How to get to Path Taken quest in Eredath

So I had ‘The path taken’ quest but went to farm some residual memories. Then I couldn’t seem to get to the part of Eredath where it is set, so I abandoned quest and now the quest is in this same part of Eredath which is blocked off by a void type wall I can’t get through. Been having an absolute 'mare :laughing: Any ideas?

By ShayWoW (7,201 – 1·11·23) on 2024/05/09 (Patch 10.2.7)

If you hearthed without the quest completed like I did bc of all the chaos and then decided to travel back manually but then you run into a black wall at the entrance of the quest area and can’t understand how to get back in, where you went wrong in your life, etc… look on the ground to the right of the entrance, there’s a blue-ish translocator/portal. :slight_smile:

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Oh sweet! So easy to miss the obvious sometimes.

You clearly weren’t alone!!!

At least it’s an easy fix.

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I ended up going back to Ulduar and finding the portal back to Argus there. The above comments weren’t there then. If the portal thingy was there I didn’t see it (no surprise there).

The portal he was talking about is in Argus, next to the ‘void wall’ in front of the relevant part of Eredath. You obviously used it without realising that’s what that puny elf was on about! Maybe a teleporter rather than a portal but yeah.

@Punyelf Yes at least was easy fix. It’s not like I ran round half of the world trying to find a way in or anything :laughing:

yeah, not sure.

I was on Argus doing the quests but I wandered out of the area for some reason and couldn’t get back to where I should be. I went up some stairs near the dungeon there but there was a barrier which I couldn’t get past.
Eventually I went to Ulduar (from whence I had portaled to Argus originally) in the hopes that the portal was still there, which it was.
Might be a different stage of the quest line, I can’t remember back that far.

Oh ok you took a different way in then. I didn’t even remember I’d been to Ulduar.

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