How to get vicious saddle?

Hi there,

I just saw a vendor that sells mounts, but you need an item called vicious saddle to buy one. I searched on wowhead and others how i could get one, but it’s too confusing as i’m a fairly new player.

Can someone explain to me how i get said item?


You must reach 1400 arena/rated BG rating, then fill the progress bar with wins in the bracket(s) you’re 1400+ rating in to earn the seasonal mount. Then you must fill it again to get the saddle. As far as I know you can only do this during an active PvP season (though I might be wrong, please correct me if so), so time is running short if you want it before SL.

EDIT: You can’t earn progress towards the mounts in random BGs btw, even if you have the rating. It has to be in arenas or Rated BGs at 1400+ rating.

Progress for saddle is faction specific
Just wanted to add

Also, 3v3 wins above 1400+ rating gives more % than 2v2 wins above 1400+

2v2 1 win 0.5%
3v3 1 win 1%
10v10 1 win sometimes 2% sometimes 3%

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