How to increase deathsweep dmg?

Okay I was in this raid and this other dh was doubling the damage of my death sweeps by around 2 million even though we did the same amount of deathsweeps.
And my ilvl was a little higher than his. All the other spells I did more on when comparing them.

Is there something you have to do to double the dmg of deathsweep? Something you cast beforehand? I mean I’ve tried essence break but i still don’t even come close to the death sweeps of the other dh.

What am I doing wrong?

Was there a damage amp in the fight? Was the other dh running a trinket like ashes?

Also essence break makes a huge difference in DS damage.

I was the one using ashes and I did essense break and then use death sweep everytime essence break was off cd.

I literally have no clue how his death sweep was doing millions more than me. I looked and all our talents were exactly the same, he probably copied them from Archon site too like me.

Not sure if you already found your answer and it’s hard in general to provide feedback without any logs but:

  • Make sure to try using DS as much as possible during: Inertia windows, Initiative windows, Essence Breaks - when I say those 3 windows, I mean those 3 windows STACKED.

  • Check how much you critted with it compared to him. Since it’s your single hardest hitting ability, having it crit 18 times while the other guy had it crit 30 times will easily make up for 2 million damage at item level 525ish. Is it something that only happened on a pull or two during raid night or did he crush you constantly?

In general, Havoc relies on a gameplay that isn’t the easiest to pull off, you have to wait for specific intervals and then stack your buffs for the hard hitters, and make sure you only buff the hardest hitters. It’s also pretty dangerous, as Initiative and Inertia require the use of VR and FR, so if you chose to play more carefully as opposed to him, it could easily be the difference in numbers.

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