How to kill hunters?

their range is insane and they can move while shooting. with all my mobility i cant catch them, and when im close to killing them they just put on that armor.
how do you kill something like that ?

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Reroll sub rogue.


Roll sub rogue or ret pala or pray that the hunter is in BM spec.

Honestly though, some 1v1 encounters simply work in one class’ favor, since the game is balanced around 3s.
I know little about WW, but it could be that MM simply counters you with a toolkit that naturally lends itself to nullifying your advantages. Your best bet in such a case will always be to have teammates that can catch them.

As simple as not putting your big fat panda foot im them traps

Are you talking world pvp? Good. Marksmans even when underpowered are very very good at world pvp

In regards to range I believe the Marksman have the edge above others with Sniper Shot I think it’s called. a pvp talent.
Anticipate where they will be, slow them or cc. While their pets can be annoying aoe stuns or cc will be a means to manage them.

Blizzard seems to be doing a Rock-Paper-Scissors game in regards to class and spec balance.
Ultimately it comes down to player skill. Some hunters suck and other hunters don’t.
I don’t play Monk but with Paladin’s you force the hunters to use their cooldowns that they can escape with. With warriors you use your mobility and slows to stay on them, and disarm them before your bursts.

Survival hunters? They are a hybrid of ranged and melee. But haven’t seen much of them out and about in the world. Will let you know when I bag a few Survival hunters. Happy hunting :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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