How to learn balance druid rotation?

Hello everyone,

I have been playing balance druid in the pre-patch, and I’d say that I still haven’t learned the basic rotation even though I have checked several balance druid guides. How do you guys play it? In m+ dungeons, I do up to 2.6k dps or so on average with an ilvl of 126 and these items: characters/eu/magtheridon/Greenspear (add raider[dot]io at the start as I can’t post links)

This feels weak, especially when simmed dps on patchwerk is ~3.9k.

My rotation is extremely simple:
a) one target - put both dots, enter eclipse, release all astral power in starsurges at first and then starsurge only when there is a risk of capping astral power. During the eclipse I use the wrath or starfire, depending on the type of eclipse. I refresh the dots any time they are about to fall off;
b) multiple tragets - press starfall anytime there is astral power for it, put sunfire dots once. Then cleave with starfire when in lunar eclipse, and put moonfire dots on each individual target when in solar eclipse;
c) celestial alignment cooldown - either use starfire or wrath, depending on the eclipse, and starsurge as soon as there is 30 astral power;

Do you see what I could try to improve my performance?

They changed how starsurge works, so now you want to cast it at the start, and not at the end as it now boost your current eclipse damage.

Izen Hart has made quite a good guide and explains throughoutly how things works now. Then the rest is just practise :smiley: I PROMISE you, it all comes with muscle memory once you get into it.


You throw ball

Then you throw bigger ball


I learn a new class by starting at the bottom. No Xp boosts. Start at level one and work your way up and get the passives and spells when they come.

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