How to make Arena good again

issue here is, your basicly a training dummy for real teams - matched together with 3 random guys who qd solo 3s.

The average 3s teams would benefit too much from that idea, becasue they can form real combs and face people with no synergy or a decent comb.

I realy doubt that anyone have fun facing real teams over and over again - qing solo.

Can be solved with soft algo that attempt prio pug vs pug and so on. Other soloq do it like this. The main idea is that one mode is used which people play (contribute in) instead of multiple modes which mmrs are separated and the system which still is built on participation doesnt stop working like it did now when players were scattered to play various modes with separate mmrs. Remember next expansion comes the rbg blitz and its yet another separated mode. The rated system needs rework or we need real soloq which go in same mode with the games theyre based on or we stop dividing already small playerbase with new modes like shuffle, plunder, blitz.


That would mean that x rating played out in solo and x rating played out in team in the same bracket would mean → completly different skill levels but the same rating/reward for both.

I realy understand that you want to improve, same as me basicly:

Ye i completly agree with you and i thought the same for a while, but:

  1. The issue with playerbase started befor solo shuffle. (check sl s3 s4 as an example)

  2. Yes the player base is devided into different games/modes - The issue is, those players who played Classic TBC Wotlk (2019-now), were mainly playing befor on privat servers and the majority of those players didnt play retail anyway or stoped at some point.

So Blizzard took the chance and got those people back from playing privat servers to pay subcription for classic and also have the chance that those people might play in the following xpansions and stay.

3)Retail Arena/Pvp is so far from Classic Hc/Sod and Classic Wotkl in therms of gameplay that i doubt that those people would play retail arena again if you force everyone back to retail. Yes some will, but a big part will play something else or go privat server again, and im pretty sure Blizzard calculated this befor.

So basicly i think blizzard implements different versions/modes to keep players playing their favour choice instead of quitting completly.

If someone likes 3s he will play it anyway, no matter how much other versions or modes are available.

Also about solo shuffle in addition: Yes i think solo shuffle influences the 3v3 activity but again:
Solo Shuffle will be favoured for casuals since how simple it is to enter compared to real 3v3.
I think times has changed, years ago casuals stayed and tried to find people for 3s, but now since there is tones of other games that dont have that barrier of enty findind people to play with, even wtihout solo shuffle - 3s would suffer.

Just my opnion on that. cheers

Remember priva soloq aswell puts solos into arena and it were extremely popular way to que and dps had 2-5mins q. Other games than wow also with soloq system sync them into the existing modes which people queing as team play aswell and there is soft algo that try match team vs team. Throwing new separate mode into wow pvp scenes were not very good idea and Im confused why they made it as shuffle instead soloq for arena, we see the result now that participation has dropped with every mode being deflated as we barely have enough playrbase for one mode a time like 2v2 or 3v3 but if participation drops we dont have enough players for 3 modes and plunders and classics and upcoming blitz bgs top of that, its only becoming worse from here if nothing will be done to this.

There are people who have quit retail and went chill in sod and classics for the meantime that we have this drought in retail pvp.

Ill use this to generalize and make a point from that statistics show very few are left playing pvp, no matter how much people love the game there is not enough people playing pvp currently. I personally love 2s but I havent touched it since I hit my seasonal goal, why? Cause its the least played mode in the game currently and just like every other mode its extremely deflated as hardly no one are playing the game.

I take the unpopluar and maybe grazy opinion that solo shuffle helped the arena community overall.

Because its more likly that a new player comes into the game because he wants to try out this new "“cool” game mode → solo shuffle.

No young player cares about a game mode that excists 18 years and the people who play this game mode since then, are basicly playing longer than him beeing alive.

I know its an unpopluar take but thats the logic behind it.
However i think solo shuffle needed some serious improvements to get q times down.
Now do i have the solution? No but blizzard should find one becasue they get paid for it.

The state of the game say otherwise. And my suggestion were the already used soloq from other games using real soloq that people asked for instead of shuffle, sorry cant agree with you on any of the points you made.


I also Think that completely removing shuffle and adding soloq will be a Huge improvement. Either as new game mode or eventually mixed with real 3v3 Where you obviously shouldnt be able to reach higher ranks without a premade Team But atleast improving The Overall ques and being able to play when u Dont have mates at that time is a big improvement to me. Solo shuffle is a nice idea But as we can see after all This time, it does work But Its not ideal , The game shouldnt Make people Rage and quit regularly and im Talking About high rated pros here who also complain Because of The Rating System, que times , hackers who are Not Getting banned fast enough and more.


It didn’t.

All Shuffle did was “enable” people who permanently couldn’t find teammates, oftentimes because they were simply not good enough or were just not given a chance.

At the same time queue times and randomization created frustration and people being more angry and more toxic towards eachother. Compare the amount of PvP related bans and silences pre-Shuffle and post-Shuffle. It’s not comparable.

The devs didn’t consider that the healer role isn’t easy especially with randomized DPS teammates who don’t play good and you don’t know what to expect from them. Leading to long queues.

So for you, Shuffle is great, because you’re one of the better Resto Druid players in EU. Playing a strong spec, knowing what you’re doing, so you’re pushing, instant queues,etc.

But take a look at the newer or lower-rated healers for example, especially on this forum. A great majority of them are stuck on a certain rating. Some play less-good healer specs. Most don’t try to self improve.

And at the end of the day, Shuffle is the reverse logic bracket. If a player knows what they are supposed to do, it’s literally easier to play on higher rating than on low rating.

Witnessed thousands of games of people (including myself on some alts) where you can try your best, make no mistakes, and lose anyway because your teammates die for no reason with CDs or some other reason.

You can’t compare trying to heal some 2500 warrior that presses Parry high hp on burst with some 1600 guy that never presses it and dies behind pillar. That loss isn’t your fault. But it’s your loss. That game is by definition harder to play than the 2500 game where everyone is pressing their buttons.

I would go with easiest approach. Want more participation? Then increase rewards, ease of access and decrease dependency on other players’ decision.

There is not enough players / casuals and these items above are what they seem to like.

PS yeah and avoid rhetorics like YoU hAvE tO eArN iT M8! Bulk of today’s gamers seems to hate it.

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Honestly I agree, easyest least effort solution would be to inflate game massively from start of all seasons. We would have huge participation through season. Im not the least optimistic of them being keen on doing drastic changes on the rated system or deleting shuffle and making proper soloq for arenas but I could see them doing something like just artificially inflating the season as that is the least effort cost efficient move they can make and it would also work and get alot people in the game playing.

Ofc if we could see them do some work then complete rework on rated system and proper soloq is what I would love to see. I can settle for massive inflation aswell if that gets ppl in the game for the current system and modes. I just want see ppl play the game and dont really mind of anything else at this point.

Let’s just say they might have reasons for current shuffle format as well. If we go with the most basic 2v2 and 3v3 solo queue, albeit with some compensation on randomness, there is a lot of potentially risky situations.

My biggest annoyment with shuffle is its design I guess, honestly anyone with any common sense should had realised already from design that 6 rounds rotating people will never result in outcome where nobody will never leave or grief.

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I see your point. I just think that other side has also its infuriating risks and arena-life threatening situations, like soloqueuing against premades, soloqueuing against odd but efficient comps that cheese some game mechanic that we all know is not going away because … Blizz.

The fact that shuffle shuffles players kinda, maybe inefficiently, evens out the odds a little.

For shuffle I’d like to add the option to opt out of non english speaking players (aka. no russians)
had too many matches where they would just write in russian nothing else and well thats kinda odd if you want to work as a team

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Another problem with 6 round format related people writing something is that I rarely see people say something like prio or swap on x and the like to give an idea for others what they would want to do but I see them flaming each other, this also exist only because of 6 rounds. In end I would just play chat disabled which also seem bad as option cause I would like to know whats the plan.

So far the norm on this game has been one round of arena with normal arena rules and after it the people decide if they continue or go look for some else, I think its better.

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Yes at we see at plunderstorm where masses show up that absolute hate any PvP go in and farm 40 renown levels too get mounts and transmogg

Would the show up if the transmogg is behind a raiting wall like 1800 and they have too be under the pressure too perform good
NO- they maybe would only invest into a boost

Let people reach 2.1 if the spam playing like hell with a raiting protaction mechanic or just inflation as high as snoopdog

And fill in more rewards at 1700,1900 and 2000 raiting

For the elite andys, 2400 glad mount could then still be make hard too reach, if the inflation stops bevor and you got a extream healthy player pool and not have a breakpoint at 2.2 where you stop facing normal player and only face r1 twinks

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