How to make Arena good again

How to make WoW Arenas good again ? I will help you out a little. Step by step.

Step 1 : Gear difference , if you Want More players to actually play The game , especially PvP , then you Must Stop The big gear grinds. New players have no choice , They can basicly only hope to win random bgs to get their conquest points Because playing at 1400-1600 rating vs Full geared Demonhunters is Just Not possible to win in an actual 2v2 or 3v3 Match . Imagine your new to wow arenas, log in , know nothing about cc or DR or whatever, you have full honor gear and you basicly get oneshotted by some random Demonhunter whos pressing really 3 buttons, and jumps around The map faster than A mounted player. New players will exactly play 1 game , and Google : how to get conquest gear without Playing arena. Its not fun. Gearing has to be very different, for example tokens for each arena win where u can immediately buy your next piece . Also What is This crafting stuff ? Why does This Game have to be so complicated? Cant it Just be Standard stats? Who needs a State of concentration that gives you mastery. How can a new Player know About all This stuff? Make gearing easy! Simple and easy! No 100 different gear parts with 100 different itemlevels perks and proccs. Just
Gear is enough.

Step 2: Help people to play The Game
How? Well im just talking About arenas now. The Player base is so low, that sitting in a 30 min que and Not being able to Play
Something else meanwhile is Just Not enjoyable . You come home from
Work and have around 2-3 hours to play or even less sometimes and you basicly sit in 30 mins + solo shuffle ques and play 10 mins and Wait again After a 3-3 match with 0 rating gains. Does it sound funny? Exactly. So What can we do about it ? Solo shuffle can be 1 Game instead of 6 . = less que times, instant rating gain or loss in The normal ranges of like -12 / + 12 . Comps can be limited to healer/caster/meele with no double classes , for example no 2 monks or 2 priests. Easy fix for that mode. Alot more people will que because Its less time to spend and imagine you get 1 part of conquest gear for each win ( look step 1 ) . This Game would be full , Even if casual pve Players would only play 1 game , its still enough for a que pop.

Step 3 : 2v2 and 3v3 arenas really need a new tool . When you Open The Tool , all you See is : glad xp player lf glad players same cr note xp bla bla bla . Also theres Too much tryhards that only play meta comps , and Not Even join a game without a dh/resto druid for example . Its Just hard to find players . As DPS you can try to Build a Team , if your Lucky in 10 minutes, if Its a bad day it can Take an Hour. JUST to Form a Team and The group leaves After 1 loss Because The Paladin didnt use bubble fast enough. Sounds fun? No . So What can we Change here. Make a new LFG System , Where you can get random mates and choose classes and rating ranges to fit your role. Then get a random group like dungeonfinder for example. Then you can atleast play The Game with a working comp and players on The same rating. If it doesnt work , you can still leave But atleast give it a try and que , that what matters to The community. Being Able to play The game. Making premade groups can still be there for all The glad pushers or whatever But if you want people to play, make it easy
To access. Because Now , Its Just too hard
To find a Group, only healers have it easy , Because no one wants
To heal which brings us to step 4.

Step 4 : PVP cant be affected by pve
Changes. It doesnt work , The Game has no balance . Its not possible to balance The Game 100% But it shouldnt be normal in a game that players are scared of 1 specific spec, Which everyone rerolls and everyone who reads this knows exactly Which class and spec im talking About, thats how bad it already is. Dont get me wrong , im not complaining only about Demonhunters, But at The moment it is What it is. They outdamage every class, are basicly Not killable without a huge setup and all deff cds
Off , and also almost every team has 1 of them in their composition. Take players responses serious, let Players vote
For buffs and nerfs, let them write feedbacks and actually read them and work on The Game , do balance changes and see how it does affect The Game and Not let players wait for The next patch with a 2% nerf. Balancing has to be much more frequent and faster . Otherwise people will keep quitting The game every week like Right now.

Conclusion: Make gaming easy, The hard part will be always there once you climb a specific rating.

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Nerf CC to hell, put everything on the same DR and put interrupts on DR too. There, fixed it.


Short But effective suggestion :+1:

What gear grinds are people talking about? Literally buy gear from auction for 200 gold and you’re all set. Yes, you can easily beat conquest players on 1400.


unpop opinion, arena was never good, and balancing the game for 3v3 Destroyed every single other aspect of pvp, and it was still unbalanced in 3v3.


On the theme of topic I would start from removing shuffle and adding soloq in the actual arena system in the game, I would begin reviving the playerbase from there. Shorter ques for all and everyone contributing in same place so inflation would grow naturally instead being divided on several different modes aswell.


Idk Which gear you are Talking About But auctionhouse gear for Gold ( Which u would also have to grind) cant compete with conquest gear. Also im Talking About new players , which The community needs for growing , and This new players stand no chance in honor gear against some guys who play pvp for years and Just sit on low rating Because They dig out an old character for example . Another Problem is The rating Inflation Which gives you very good players at The beginner Ratings , right now for example There is a Gladiator Team Every 1-2 Games on 1800 Rating in 3v3!

Yep !
CC really ruins the game :+1:


Personally i prefered when you could do some cc chains and actually kill people before they ran out of mana by outplaying them and not by playing Broken class that does more dmg than enemy.


I personally hate CC chains but i also think the game should be fun for everyone joining pvp.
Lets hope blizzard finds a middle ground in War Within

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Its way more EZ too make a active season

A: force PVE player into PvP for a item thats a 0.5 %upgrade
Is this bad Yes, did we have rly active season because of this also yes

Or B: inflate the season so hard from the start that eaven the biggest noob can reach 2.1 or 2.4 of he trys
Once this is known player swarm into that season top get rewards and achivments



I don’t even get to play the game if people have half a clue on how to press their CC. Everything needs to go on DR, none of this separate DR categories.


If you just want to do pve dmg maybe go m+ or something?


I would play that nonstop


revert cc changes so arena doesnt feel like pve


New players need to walk through fire to get into WoW PvP. Always have, always will…

…and I for one prefer it that way!

It’s fun for new (or returning) players jumping into to casual BGs to come up against full Conq coordinated teams of five and getting graveyard camped for 14 minutes. You should have been match-made with a healer on your team, silly noob!

It’s fun for new players jumping into arena for the first time to immediately come up against RMP and other exciting comps that execute perfect CC chains. Don’t you know you should have used your trinket there?!

It’s fun for new players in shuffle getting focused every round because the spec they like is unanimously designated the victim spec. Well that’s your fault for not picking meta!

Oh quit moaning noobs! AH gear is practically free! Haven’t you heard?

Now, if you ask me the way to fix PvP is to lower the queue times!


CC already got nerfed
Complaining about CC indicates one’s inability of not falling victim to it
It’s basically a big part of what separates an arena from a dungeon.

I do understand that some DPS want to infinitely spam damage for free and some healers want to healbot to infinity until the mana bar is empty, but that’s just not how the game should work.

But those are just frustrations from one’s inability to deal with such things, and less so from it being a problem right now.

Yes, you took 3 polymorphs in a row. Was it preventable? Probably. Was it dispelable (if you’re the DPS) by your healer? Probably. Did neither of those happen and lead to your complains. Yup.

No, CC isn’t the problem. Boldly saying this while dying to triple Cheap shot spam enjoyers every single day.

The problem is button bloat and lack of built-in interface (addons / weakauras) in the game itself.

Let’s say I’m a new player, never played the game before and PvP. I see a guy with 50 keybinds and 10 addons / screen notifications flashing. Absolutely disgusting. Get that thing away from me.

In my opinion spells need to be baked together, with having more talents, similar to some RTS games like Diablo and PoE. It may be too hard at this point to reduce a spec’s buttons to like 6-7 buttons, but I’m pretty sure a great majority of them can be reduced, especially for damage abilities.

An Affliction Warlock could easily have an instant UA that also applies the other dots with it. An Arms warrior could easily have Mortal Strike give buffs to the next Mortal Strike with having all the Overpower effects baked in with Overpower dissapearing as a cooldown entirely and MS being no cooldown, etc.

More choice nodes can be put in for some spells.

All of that + literally incorporating sArena, “healer in CC” weakaura and a few other things and suddenly you have a much simpler and clear arena experience for new players.

There’s nothing to push atm, gear is equally same to everyone, you can still get the best gear from pve tho. WoW isn’t just a pvp game it’s an MMMORPG. Sitting playing arena in one spot can come a bit dull as you play years, it’s pretty much the same as you don’t exit from your home or travel. Comes pretty boring. Classes are a mess, computed effects guiding class rotations and it’s unnaturally impossible to react as simulations for classes are done by computer that doesn’t recoqnize human error.

There’s a lot of stuff to fix in this game. I can’t agree with having less buttons to press in WoW because games have own identities, that’s why they sell. If you change a game inside and you start to compete with other games and lets say you bring WOW into console, you already lost that unique style of the game. WoW is idd leading MMORPG in the market but why it’s so complex? Because there are multiple programmers that are creating Weak Auras or addons that work the same way as your TOMTOM does in your car when you want to drive into your destination, the addons and Weak Auras are tracking events already occurring in the game as when you play you generally watch your character in the middle of the screen. What i mean is that your eyes focus into the middle and you won’t see your buffs, they are usually at the top right hand side of your screen. These events or buffs are being used to create Weak Auras, so they are already known but there are specific auras that are not visible in Mythic raids tho. Blizzard kind of hides these from the players.

Addons and Weak Auras have been discussed multiple times as creating complexity into the game and well anyone can do whatever they want when you want to adjust your own UI into your liking.

As a new player who start to play the game and if you don’t have the feel of your keyboard or haven’t done any multitasking game sessions or don’t have tested your reactions in gaming in general. These players who have the advantage by using addons will destroy you in pvp and in pve they have great parses.

If u think cc is a problem in PvP i think wow pvp is just not the thing for you.
If all CC were on the same DR it would be more PVE style of gameplay, go full dam no brain, it’s not fun at all and it would be even more difficult for new players to get into the game. Meta is just to fast for someone who doesn’t know the game right now imo.
Could be wrong but for me it’s a lot harder to react when u don’t know the game and u get oneshot if u don’t use cd’s. Maybe because it’s just to easy to do instant million damage for some classes.

I also think soloq shoud just be 1 game and not 6 combined, ofc it will bring some unbalanced matchup but going 3-3 and not losing or winning rating for multiples games in a day is mega boring. Just make it so u can’t queue with the same people 2 games in a row.
And a lot of the times if there is a bad player in a lobby he will lose everything and the match endup being useless and boring anyway.

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