It all depends on the implementation. First thing that came to mind: reverse how it currently works; when the gap with your partner is too big, gain extremely little rating.
First thing that came to mind: It’d open an exploit where you only queue with new characters and keep gaining little rating each win but at really low mmr each time.
That’s why what Cruella mentioned is necessary as a bare minimum, that you simply don’t get any rating anymore when it’s too low.
That’s while still ignoring every other problem it’d bring though. I guess you’ll just leave that for later, right? Yes, let the future you deal with the problems. It’s the current you that needs your current problems solved. Who cares about the problems any solution you mention now would bring.
It’s astonishing to see the lack of foresight here.
I think you are just exaggerating. Boosting currently is so common that anyone that has the skills does it 24/7. They can’t make copies of themselves so the boosting won’t get worse:P
How much inflation would locking you in your bracket bring? Who knows, who really cares?
The problem is that mmr is tied to rewards while intrinsically it is just a tool to link similar skilled players…
As i said, on data for azeroth 3% of people have the spider mount. That means if we give every single person that has 1400 or above rating full 226 gear it would still be a rare sight …
Fact is that the current system is very punishing and stressfull for a normal player. Fact is that pvp never gets easier as you progress, it only gets harder. I want more people to play the game and have fun. On my main i have all the gear I could possible want and I pwn noobz all day. But I don’t value myself by the items of my character, so I am all for making the game accessible and fun for normal people.
That’s a hyperbole, and there’s a lot more players good enough that chooses not to do it. If it’d be made easier and less punishing however, then it’d be like open rabbit season.
It’s simple to get an image:
Every single game you’ve lost. Every single game you’ve seen others lost. It has almost always shaved away points from them. Now remove that part, and their wins would only have given them rating.
I very much agree with you main intention.
Maybe a redesign is due rather than iteration.
Anyone who has a concept of any form of system to incentivise people to join wow-pvp and make it a rewarding and fun experience i would love to read your ideas
What are you on about? I literally said that it depends on the implementation, with ONE example given without too much thinking. Meaning, there are 1001010101 possible adjustments that can be made to counter that certain issue.
But hey, just pretend that I claimed to have the only and full solution. What the …
Explain what you mean with that instead of saying empty statements.
And that isn’t even close to what it’s about. It’s about bringing back social glue to naturally invest in people, to reduce the prevalence of “the grass is always greener on the other side” loop which so many people are trapped in.
Having a testgame grace period is nice and fine but doesnt make the pvp progression less painful. It eases the LFG problem for people with equal gear but changes nothing in regard of progression.
PvP although a good way to gear up is not popular shown by the ridiculous low amount of people owning certain pvp rewards.
Also you you seem to ignore any comparison between pvp and pve progression or just dont care to include it into your calculations.
What’s there to say about it? It’s irrelevant. Why compare those two to begin with?
And nice deflecting there.
However, since it seems you don’t understand the suggestion, you need to explain in your own words what the suggestion is about, so you can show you actually do understand it.
Otherwise one can only assume you didn’t understand it, thus making anything you say about it just a PoV from a dumb person.