How to make Spirit of Redemption actually useful

I see 2 possible options:

Option 1 - put restitution talent way up into the holy tree. Right now I have to sacrifice either of my most powerful healing talents, i.e. Lightweaver and Divine Image, because it is on the very button. On the other hand right in the mid I have a dozen of talents, that are nothing but fillers and mediocre trash, which you could delete and I would not even notice the difference (Divine Service, Benediction, Renewed faith, to name but a few).

Option 2- make PvP talent Spirit of Redeemer a basic holy talent, making it accessable not just in pvp, but also in raids and dungeons. For those who do not do pvp: Spirit of Redeemer is 2 minute cooldown ability, that allows you to actively assume spirit of redemption form and get all the benefits and limitations (including immunity). After the buff is over, you get back to your ordinary form.

Blizzard apparently regards Spirit of Redemption as iconic ability that can save a dire situation and prevent a wipe. Being an active holy priest during season 2, 3 and 4 of DF (getting all the portals and going a bit higher), I find this ability to be canonically useless and most of the time it does not prevent, but delays wipe, which is even worse than having a quick wipe.

Of course, ideally I would like to have both of these options, but that runs a risk of making holy priest a meta spec in m+, which blizzard has been working really hard to prevent every season.


It’s actually worse than you’ve made it seem, because even talented, instead of working like a cheat death effect, it counts as a straight up death (which makes it absolutely terrible in current M+, not to mention delves.) Even more insulting is that there is a choice node in hero talents that gives it a whole five, yes FIVE more seconds!

Clearly we would be the most broken class if we could spec into a cheat death that actually works, guarantees a minimum amount of health, allows us to ignore mana for a while, and could be used as a free bres.

Or more to the point, we can kind of do all that, but we crap on our own throughput, and still count as dying for relevant effects.

I’d love it as an action though, give us an immunity on a cooldown, it’s just rough with our kit atm.

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True. It might have been more iconic in the past when there weren’t so many combat rezzes around but nowadays, any shine it might have had is long gone.

In my opinion, Restitution can stay where it is. I would put Spirit of the Redeemer instead of the Afterlife talent.

Afterlife is required to make Redeemer last a reasonable amount of time. If I math correctly, the combined talents make it last 13 secs.

Make it last 10 seconds, replace Afterlife with it and it’s a win for me.

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