I agree with Udig. Though, as was brushed upon, it would help low/mid-end of groups, and give some flex for when in the future the numbers are better for DPS warriors. Is it something I want for the class and specs, no.
If they simply double down on our ‘niches’, that we can argue we no longer have, then they got a way to push us in. Fury’s AoE burst and strong ST is something that easily could push Fury’s popularity in keys.
- Big numbers that come fast make people go “woooow, so OP”, giving the average PuG m+ key holder a overly positive image of Fury in their head when forming the group. Note: In the avg lowkey to midkey, Fury is probably one of the better picks to bring already. Fury is hard to do completely wrong and is rock solid. It would reinforce that impression.
- Having a targeted niche; say strong AoE and ST burst, into solid ST damage; makes Fury a really viable pick for certain dungeons and encounters. Necrotic Wake especially is primed for Fury to look decent with its burst AoE phases on bosses. Now imagine we had the un-nerfed AoE burst for this, and to carry our overall on Trash. Perfect solution (as long you ignore the raid). It would create encounters where you really would concider Fury warrior.
- It is simply plain fun to play as and with someone that shines at something.
Last point is key. I always find it great fun to see someone pop off in their moment of glory. Be it Havoc in their perfectly executed meta burst window. Elemental Shaman going full Palpatine or a Boomie making the very sky fall.
What I dont find to be fun, is being a spec that is so neutered, that our strenght is so “theoretical” a thing. Sure, it is there, raid proves the point. Yet, if you play Fury you know that other classes burst as well if not better than you beyond that 4 second meme frame (and even that is neutred). You press your 1.5min buttons and a Ret beats you with their burst on a 30 sec CD… well then, that isn’t fun. Your moment of glory does not exist.
I would as a side thing also just throw my complaints about moving Fury damage from static ability presses (Odyn’s Fury and Roar) towards RNG elements (Reap and Blast). Nothing feels as bad as having your output decided if the RNG gods decide if you going to perform well or not.
I am camp; press the button and do the damage. Preferably by simply having Odyn’s and Roar do the work. Worst case, make unhinged affected by meatcleaver to lessen the RNG part.
Pressing a button and getting feedback in bignumbers is the most fun the video game can give a DPS. That is where Fury should be headed, and it was where it was at. This revert to RNG to decide your damage in your burst in your already weakened window just isn’t fun. Added damage was neat, but when it is dominant, it just feels bad. The removal of our moment of glory, for the hum of stable ‘you are fine, you are fine’ DPS is the biggest step back in recent time.
Flat is boring. Boring is bad design. Boring wont catch the eye of anyone, as such will be ignored by the mind. Ignored means you wont be picked.