How to make warrior a viable pick again " solutions "

Possible solutions for all warriors to be a nice pick in m+

Rallying cry : 20 % hp bonus health , if an ally in your group is dead , he comes back to life

War flag : you put a war flag in the ground , party members are immune to cc , enemies do 20 % less damage for 12 seconds

Heroic cry : bloodlust all party

Or just any other solution blizz will make i will take it … But yes we need something for sure

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How about a big fat nerf for you for being so greedy ???



Better nerf fury.

I think nerfing fury is better than what you suggested :+1:t2:

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Both specs have the needed solutions from the past which they refuse to bring back.
Utility isn’t needed as long as you have the ‘’ niche ‘’. Fury is in a purgatory for a while with low / mediocre damage output while being target capped.

Fury by design has a desireable damage profile for m+ . Losing so little single target damage by going full aoe however the issue is the ones managing the game has no idea how to target nerf or target buff.
This class has seen a 3% aura nerf because of bladestorm burst damage while doing worst single target in the game.
A 5 target capped spec getting outdpsed by uncapped specs in 5 target situation isn’t even funny.
Doesn’t matter what they add to the class and in fact giving warrior cr / bl won’t even change anything in higher end of m+ ( maybe will effect lower m+ ) . Both arms and fury isn’t producing the numbers currently. There is no ‘’ niche ‘’ they are master of , their supposedly strong points are already being done better by other classes while they have stronger damage and utility.

Probably both specs are in dire need of rework which kinda sucks cuz currently fury plays really smooth. If they aint reworking them soon they should at least immediately clean up that abomination class tree


Bloodlust is pretty easy to fit in. It absolutely makes sense with warrior shouts. Like, of course a Warrior could embolden the party into lust.

Anyone that says that wouldn’t increase our m+ acceptence rate are just flatout lying. By what % I’ll debate, but the amount of groups that have 1 dps spot, but no lust so you quite literally have to avoid it and not apply shows in itself how useful it would be to us.

We could apply to more groups, therefore likely to get into more. Hunter having a bad season? take the warrior, they can cover lust and so forth.

Lust is an easy W that blizzard won’t take for some reason.


Totally disagree , there are more warriors then hunters in higher end currently. It will only effect lower/maybe medium end.
For a spec to be desireable in m+ it needs to be master of something ( example : bfa rogue single target even when there was an affix basically gives the shroud they were meta). Currently warrior brings target capped aoe and ok boss damage. We aren’t there to kill the bosses , we arent there to kill the trash and we arent there to control mobs.
Lust , cr or whatever you think of wont change the fact that warrior both dps specs are in purgatory and aint generating the numbers. Their strong points arent strong enough

I agree with Udig. Though, as was brushed upon, it would help low/mid-end of groups, and give some flex for when in the future the numbers are better for DPS warriors. Is it something I want for the class and specs, no.

If they simply double down on our ‘niches’, that we can argue we no longer have, then they got a way to push us in. Fury’s AoE burst and strong ST is something that easily could push Fury’s popularity in keys.

  1. Big numbers that come fast make people go “woooow, so OP”, giving the average PuG m+ key holder a overly positive image of Fury in their head when forming the group. Note: In the avg lowkey to midkey, Fury is probably one of the better picks to bring already. Fury is hard to do completely wrong and is rock solid. It would reinforce that impression.
  2. Having a targeted niche; say strong AoE and ST burst, into solid ST damage; makes Fury a really viable pick for certain dungeons and encounters. Necrotic Wake especially is primed for Fury to look decent with its burst AoE phases on bosses. Now imagine we had the un-nerfed AoE burst for this, and to carry our overall on Trash. Perfect solution (as long you ignore the raid). It would create encounters where you really would concider Fury warrior.
  1. It is simply plain fun to play as and with someone that shines at something.

Last point is key. I always find it great fun to see someone pop off in their moment of glory. Be it Havoc in their perfectly executed meta burst window. Elemental Shaman going full Palpatine or a Boomie making the very sky fall.

What I dont find to be fun, is being a spec that is so neutered, that our strenght is so “theoretical” a thing. Sure, it is there, raid proves the point. Yet, if you play Fury you know that other classes burst as well if not better than you beyond that 4 second meme frame (and even that is neutred). You press your 1.5min buttons and a Ret beats you with their burst on a 30 sec CD… well then, that isn’t fun. Your moment of glory does not exist.

I would as a side thing also just throw my complaints about moving Fury damage from static ability presses (Odyn’s Fury and Roar) towards RNG elements (Reap and Blast). Nothing feels as bad as having your output decided if the RNG gods decide if you going to perform well or not.

I am camp; press the button and do the damage. Preferably by simply having Odyn’s and Roar do the work. Worst case, make unhinged affected by meatcleaver to lessen the RNG part.

Pressing a button and getting feedback in bignumbers is the most fun the video game can give a DPS. That is where Fury should be headed, and it was where it was at. This revert to RNG to decide your damage in your burst in your already weakened window just isn’t fun. Added damage was neat, but when it is dominant, it just feels bad. The removal of our moment of glory, for the hum of stable ‘you are fine, you are fine’ DPS is the biggest step back in recent time.

Flat is boring. Boring is bad design. Boring wont catch the eye of anyone, as such will be ignored by the mind. Ignored means you wont be picked.


Literally just got into a 12 stonevault, had to point out they didn’t have BL, and got removed because they “thought they added a mage” So you can disagree all you want, but it quite literally would increase our acceptance rate. (took a screenshot if people think its bs).

I’m not saying its the ultimate solution, the only solution we need. I’m saying it’s an easy win, it’s something that fits that they could do which would help. Ideally, it would be lust then also making us more competitive damage wise etc. Buff rally would be another easy win.

Again, I’ll happily debate how MUCH it would increase our acceptance rate, thats debateable, but it annoys me how the usual response from any high key warrior (usually who play in groups, not pugging) tell me it wouldn’t make any difference when I see daily how it would.

I even just did another quick test, searched for 12 keys that I still need and on the page of 15-20 listed, at least 4 of them only had a single dps spot left, with no BL. So I have to ignore them, even though it’s the perfect key for me and I’m a DPS.

Eh , i did say low to mid levels and 12s are basically mid levels atm. If that was 14-15 i would see that arguement. What you wrote just approves what i said.

Almost all my highest timed keys are from pugs and i think 90% of the keys are my own keys which i pushed myself. I don’t play with premade this season , they already told me to reroll frost dk cuz they want title and i refused.

Shaman is current meta , they dont have bl spot they do have shaman spot left atm sorry to say that which is 90% of the time reserved for a random shaman with ok rio.

Saying it again , just check hunters. They do have bl but their participation rate for high keys are much lower then warriors while they get invited for bl on lower key levels , i guess thats also a good thing but thats not a fix or a solution

Our niche should be interrupts

Heroic throw - interrupt, generates a high amount of threat, compells the target to run to your location.

Intimidating shout - up to 5 enemies cower, no flee, generates a high amount of threat.

Shockwave - baseline 30 seconds

Champions spear - pulls in a mob every second whilst active, 15m radius

Thunderous Roar - increases enemy cast time by 30%
Ravager - increases enemy cast time by 30%, stacks with Thunderous Roar

Disrupting shout - compells all mobs to run to your location 45 second cooldown, 15m radius, 3 second taunt

Demoralising Shout - Demoralises all mobs within 15m, reducing physical damage by 25% and all magic damage by 30%, 3 second taunt

We are already threat generators compared to all other classes, that’s a no go from my POV to add even more threat generation on skills. Or do you intend to give Blizzard a boost in Charac change to NE? :smile:

Could easily just have the feature for the Prot trees

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