How to open gate to Carapace/N'zoth in Ny'alotha?

This is very confusing because half of people tell me you need to clear 10/12 each week if you don’t have the skip quest done, and the other half say that you only need to kill Vex, Raden or Il’gynoth to open the gate. Then other people say you just have to complete all the bosses in one wing to open the gate. I was in a raid group and people were arguing about how to open the gate. What is the truth?

If you did the skip quest you only need Wrathion, otherwise I think you need the rest.

People in-game were saying that if you don’t have quest you just need to complete an entire wing to open gate. It wasn’t just one person, it was more people saying it. So they are wrong?

Skip Quest

You will receive the raid skip quest at the beginning of the raid AFTER you defeat Wrathion. The quest tells you that you need to defeat the Carapace of N’zoth, the 11th boss in the raid, 4 times to activate the skip.

took me 2 seconds to google. :grimacing:


Maybe there was some kind of update? Because people in-game said they were 100% sure that you just need to complete one wing to open gate, even without skip quest. I was in the raid and we were fighting Carapace and Vexiona was still alive.

well. people can be wrong.

This quest is available after clearing 10/12 bosses and the trash before Carapace. Wrathion will appear in the area in front of the 11th boss and offer the quest. It is not necessary to kill Carapace. You can simply go into a 10/12 ID, clear the 4 trash packs to the boss, then accept the quest.

As the quest requires 4 IDs to complete, it is advisable to get it this week to be able to collect immediately from next week.

as long as one guy of the raid has done the quest, the skip will be available.

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