How to play a powerful character without nerfing yourself for the sake of others?

You’re welcome. What do you all think is the right way of playing strong characters, then?


Well share your views first. Jeez.


Found this really cool post.


This post spoke to me.


Very based and Redpilled. I agree with it.


Looks okay at first glance but I’d be wary of the poster tbh. Not a reliable source.


Find other equally powered players and do a lot of DM’d events.

Or just write fanfiction


Find a group that actually wants a really powerful character?
Like how that Zandalari guild has some Dire Trolls. Pretty cool, that.
Make the powerful character do some epic useful things everyone will cheer at.
Then the others can deal with their own things while Big Scary DK does something only he/she can do.

You speak the tru tru.


If you enjoy a little DMing and have the time for such, you could always become a quest-giver of sorts. Rather than solve people’s problems with a flick of a wrist, you could seek out people who’d assist your powerful character in doing something in exchange for a monetary reward/a magical item/anything else you could think of.

And… don’t pick unnecessary battles with characters whose power levels are lower than yours. If someone starts a fight with your strong guy then sure, there’s no need to downplay your character and get beaten up by a farmer. Being provocative, wanting to show off with the crazy powers and expecting to win each fight when you do so? That’s not so nice.

What the others said is also right - find a group of like-minded people if you want to play high-fantasy characters! If everyone in the group is an Archmage, a Death Knight or an almighty paladin with an enchanted sword, then no one is truly OP and no one will stand out in the crowd to the point where they’d ruin the fun of others.


I have liked this post.

just don’t flex on randos in the middle of stormwind/orgrimmar

powerful characters are fine as long as them being powerful isn’t an excuse for the player to stroke their e-ween


I find the problem with WoW is that the lore characters set a bad example and as a result most RPers reckon their character is hot stuff. I bet if Sargeras rocked up outside Stormwind you’d have most of the characters there trying to 1v1 him Broxigar style.


Honestly if we’re getting into this discussion it’s important to remember that a powerful character is still powerful only by relation to other characters. As such, everyone has their own idea of what exactly is powerful and what isn’t.

A simple example to explain my point. Crowton here’s a fairly experienced rogue - he uses a plethora of tools including engineering and a bit of shadow magic to assist him in his mischief in the name of the Alliance. When matched against a single simple thug in Stormwind, I kind of take it for granted he’d win and that’s already on the “more powerful” spectrum, often leading me to believe he’s powerful.

On the other hand, Crowton definitely has trouble matching up against magic users simply because of how Deus Ex Machina they can be (peers somewhere in the direction of Jaina Proudmoore’s bad writing in BfA where she’s always there to save the day with whatever magic of main character it is she’s using). A mage can simply teleport away, blow a bunch of fire in your face and so on.

Generally speaking, if A beats B and B beats C then A is probably the most powerful one. However, if for someone B is already powerful, then in the end for some A is overpowered.

What I am meaning to say is that everyone has their own image of who’s powerful and who isn’t and as such this discussion is a bit odd without concrete examples of powerful [ROLEPLAY] characters.

I’m really powerful compared to Crowton.
Not so powerful compared to Dudflex. Only the titans can withstand the power of his naked dance.


Sargeras stomps on Johnny McBlack. Johnny angrily asserts that this is a power-emote, Sargeras is a bad roleplayer, and that his TRP doesn’t accept death so he’s going to survive anyway.


Johnny asks Sargeras to roll to determine whether he defends against a killing blow attack. Sargeras rolls a 36 and Johnny a 73.

Sargeras dies.


The ‘for the sake of others’ bit in the question rubs me the wrong way. RP is a fundamentally social activity that cannot be ‘won’ and a huge part of it is doing things ‘for the sake of others’. If you find yourself nerfing your character for the sake of others it’s likely because the character wasn’t fun for ‘others’ to RP with.

Characters who are powerful and get accepted to be powerful generally do so in a way that is fun for people to RP with.


I tend to play characters who are relatively ‘powerful’, in that they are highly-skilled in their niche. They have established strengths and weaknesses, things that can exploited, but possibly most importantly, I don’t make a point of going around dabbing on people who want to play more down-to-earth characters*.

*I’m not accusing anyone of doing this


Aerilen “the butcher of Boralus and the Decimator of Dun Morogh” is powerful due to his feats and Alliance notoriety*.

*source: My alliance dk i havent played since mop