How to put Raid frames in party frames

I always used an option to display party frames as “raid frames”, now after pre paatch its back to “party frames” and I can’t find the option to change it back. Any help?


In the editor, click on Party and the frame options will come up there instead including turning them into raid frames.

I was also tying to work this out for a while haha.


Tangential but related issue, ElvUI used to replace the Party frames entirely, now it seems that i’ve got both my ElvUI party frames AND the old style non-raid frame blizzard ones and I can’t work out how to get rid of them xD

I would also like to know how to make them class coloured again?..
The green is nauseating >_<

NM, I think I found it in ‘interface’, ‘Raid Frames’, [Display Class colours]

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