How to report a WIN TRADER?

I had this priest 100% throwing games by playing bad. So I looked him up on check-pvp to see his stats. 51% winratio 791 games on 1800 rating, nothing weird right?

He’s a 5 time glad. legend 2700 three’s you name it.
All his ALTS are 2.1+ and his OTHER PRIEST has 2075 rating with 64% win ratio 170 games played.

So how do I report him after the fact. I know I am not allowed to blacklist ppl on this forum so I won’t, but I would like to be able to report him still.


Right click name or portrait, and report for Gameplay Sabotage. Explain you think he was wintrading. If enough people report them it may lead to an investigation. Nothing else you can do unless you catch him streaming his wintrading sessions.

EDIT: If you play against this person multiple times and they always throw games on purpose, you CAN report them for ongoing harassment. You can do this in the support pannel.

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