I’ve been griefed by multiple people from Nihilum and Reign of Terror on Soulseeker and Cozy HC and I’ve been told it’s possible to report people and have them banned but i have never done so successfully, how do you accomplish this? Were the situations not warranted or is there evidence required? Do I have to be a streamer or record my ingame footage to get people banned? Also the officers in both guilds refuse to kick without evidence so I guess it’s required for hardcore to have shadowplay and a youtube account now
Yes. You need evidence to proof that what you claim actually happened. Like, how is this hard to grasp?
As to getting people banned. Probably not unless it´s some serious stuff happening to a lot of players.
If you got griefed you can right click report the players ingame. Eventually a GM will review whether if the player did or didn’t grief players.