Rated Battlegrounds are dead and by dead I mean really dead. If you check LFG there is literally noone queuing for them.
There are many reasons why this bracket is dead:
- No seasonal titles.
- Same rewards as arenas.
- Community is very closed and in the past there were plenty of cheating accusations from bots to ddoses (I don’t mean EU only).
- Blizzard never invested in them.
Overall I find RBGs more PvE friendly than Arenas. Besides the fact you need 9 other people to play it you need to deal damage properly with all aoe damage oriented talents - hey it’s what PvE players do in raids and dungeons. So RBG should be a form of PvP for PvE. Is it? Not really. Even when it was played by many players in Legion for example it was hard to find proper group to play it as the requirements were extremely high and the amount of teams queuing was small. Many people who got their titles don’t play anymore because once you get Hero of the Horde of the Alliance you have nothing you can get in RBG. So these people preferred to just play Arenas as the grind is easier because arenas were faster.
The way Blizzard can fix it is:
- Solo RBG queue.
- Separate PvP set (maybe even recolour of Arena one), enchant, mount and seasonal titles.
So what do you think should happen to make them played again? Do you have any ideas? I mainly address this question to people who played RBGs but don’t CBA to play them anymore and to PvE players who don’t mind PvE.
imagine you solo q RBG and you get 6 melees in your team, god forbid. thinking about it even makes say no to soloQQ
If they are mix of Unh, Arms, DH and Rogue it’s ok. It’s worse when someone queue as WW for RBG and expect invites. The only RBG WW is good on is Kotmogu
Wouldn’t a solo RBG queue kill all the BG system we have right now?
Who would want to take the time to setup a team of 10 when you could just click on the queue instead to get your conquest points?
Who would do random BGs for honor point when you could do solo RBGs for conquest?
I don’t know how it was during the second half of BFA, but during the first few months it found it really easy to get into RBGs, and i did 100% pug. BUT the biggest problem is how time consuming it was to form a group, when arenas give you almost instant access to conquest points (how I did it was actually get in a group, and then do household-chores during the 30-45min it took to complete the group).
imo the only way to make RBGs more attractive is to give them slightly better rewards than arenas, like how they do for raiding vs m+. Otherwise people will always go with the path of least resistance, aka playing v2 or v3 instead of v10/BGs.
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Giving better rewards than arenas won’t work. It was tried in MoP and 90% of the community was against. Different rewards yes but random no.
Imo Random BGs are dead anyway. People play them now because they have nothing to do. Honor gear is useless so as soon as SL starts they will be almost dead (not as dead as RBG).
I think seperate brackets would help alot, kinda like:
Random BG: All players scaled to set ilvl (with freedom over secondary stats, a mistake learned from Legion’s template system?)
Rated BG: All player gear is untouched/unscaled
Then each week or month perhaps a BG tournament or league takes place over all realms with brackets etc and you can only participate with a set roster your team predetermined.
There is potential for many things but I feel BG pvp is largely sidelined compared to other content.
It’s actually a good idea as in arenas you adjust your gear way more. For example as an elemental vs rot comps you go full dmg items and vs setup comps you maximize versatility (if you have enough gear at the end of the season) while in RBG you don’t do it. You generally go for the output.
Second part - these tournaments similar to Dota 2 battle cups - I thought about it and I think that Holinka wanted to implement it in WoD but it was scrapped during alfa or beta as there were plans for it replace ladder. Weekly tournaments like battlecups in Dota 2 are extremely fun. You can arrange party for 3 hours for the weekend to play 3 games against other teams from your skill bracket.
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I think it would add some much needed variety and unpredictability to RBG’s.
Otherwise it’s just the same Bis tactic and same Bis setup every game.
That’s true. RBGs are very static and that might be the reason why people don’t play them.
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it’s sounds fun and thats why blizz don’t put this to live they dont do fun
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Aslong as they actually reliably fix the MMR bugs people have been abusing previously for grand marshal, I like to think half of the point of RBGs for some people is dead since a lot of the titles lost some form of value since during some periods any tom,dick or harry could get them at the expense of just grinding with a 45% win ratio
I feel solo que would prove more problems then solutions…
For example what would be the point in entering random BG’s? There would also be those toxic players that would want to spoil the game for others… even of the same faction. then the issue with RNG of the classes/team you enter & group with.
A suggestion… maybe random BG’s should be solo/duo & trio que only… with Rated being premades… minimum of 5 players up to the max BG allowance for each BG (Teamed with other 5 player premades). I feel this would almost solve the issue with premades entering random BG’s to stomp people to.
- Make them ongoingly useful in the way that running M+ is
- Allow groups of 5 to queue together and be partnered with other 5s. 5 is a magic number in WoW due to it being all dungeons; most players have figured this out, and can find 4 friends.
- A better queuing algorithm that pays attention to total composition and rating on each team.
- Do not allow the BG to start until there are full teams ready, even if players have to sit in the holding area and wait.
3 and 4 would apply to regular BGs too, as finding you have zero healers or are starting with a 3/4 team is pretty annoying
I don’t think that Rated BGs can fully replace random BGs because there arw plenty of people who want non rated PvP experience. When Ranked games were introduced in Dota it didn’t make Unranked games die because some people still exclusively play this mode.
About making situation worse. It can’t be worse. Literally nobody plays RBGs right now.
I would love to run rated bg if reward was remade hwl/gm gear.
just let us q like in a moba for rated pvp. these old pre-group restriction is outdated.
Solo queue would never work, thats why they don’t do it.
You’d have 1/2 people off meta and the rest would rage quit.
But this way both teams might be slightly off meta. Also top teams usually differ a bit in composition. It’s obvious that WW, Ret or Enha won’t be desired but still playable at lower level.
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IDK what would help but they really need to think of something.
Rated BGs are sooooo dead right now.
On alliance side you don’t see any and on horde you see 2 or 3 but for 2.4k people which is kinda weird since there are no runing to up your rates.