How to see patch notes before server shut down?

Hi, where is the latest server new about SoD. What is coming for tonight’s(27.12.2023) maintenance, how can i find that? Thank you ^^

There does not seem to be a patch, just regular maintenance (clearing cache, rebuilding the world, sort out some junk data accumulating from 20 year old code etc)

So no news. If there are news wowhead usually are among the first to know.


Thank you, this was the answer i was seeking ^^ Have a great night.

Regarding the news, you can find them most likely first on this forum as well.
Normally HERE with the hotfixes. And patches would be coming out on main page I would presume :slight_smile:

I don’t think there are hotfixes this week since it’s holidays, doubt activi$$ion will pay overtime their devs to do 5 fixes per week.