How to share RestedXP guides with other accounts

You know they made it so purchased guides are bound to your BTag. But it’s easy to fix. Do this on the account where you’re going to import a guide:

  1. Open Interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\GuideLoader.lua
  2. Find the line that starts with:
    local base = select
  3. Replace the whole line with
    local base = “battletag#1234”
    (with BTag of the account that bought the guide)
  4. /reload in game
  5. Import

Reported to restedXP

Cool, let’s see what they are going to do about it


I’m really tempted to promote warez.

The man we all need but dont deserve. Honestly, i wish RestedXP would get deleted by blizzard. Paying for Addons / Addon Data is just wrong.


Where do I download a full version copy for free?

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Questie till I die.

oh so reporting to a exploiter of ILLEGAL mod that is against terms of service …

brilliant :rofl:


not just wrong, its against EULA … no payd addons or payd PARTS of addons are allowed

Rested and other payd addons are in baltant violation of rules and if Blizz had cahones they would SUE THE EVERLIVING CRAP out of those * edited by moderation*

Here’s the full version with all guildes for free ;

Enjoy. Paying for addons is a shame.


The link is no longer working unfortunately

Hi there, link is dead now. Could you reupload?

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