How to sim ..for a healer

A few months ago i changed to healing.
When i played as a dps, i used to use PAWN and SIMCRAFT addons together with Raidbots to get the stat weights.

Is there a way to do the same for healers?
in Raidbots, when i enter the simcraft script it says that it will only calculate dps.

Is there even a way to sim for hps ?

Ahem this is a sore topic in these parts. Noone sims healers except 1 guy, too many factors.

For stat weights for pawn you are basically prioritising int and then trying to prefer your best stats. There are no bad stats though, so don’t worry if an upgrade hasn’t got your top 2.

Rings and neck can be used to gear more towards best stats as they don’t have int and you can go a bit lower ilvl for that.

For example you could have int as 1 and your top secondary 0.45 and go from there (for pawn).

You could always try wowanalyser if you already have logs, the statistics page shows weights based on your log. Don’t think it works for disc though if you are playing that, but it does for holy. But this can be skewed still depending how the encounter played out.

You can’t reasonably sim HPS in a useful way, because most times, how much you have to heal, depends a lot on who you have to heal.

i understand, thank you!

Ask Mr Robot sims healers and so do I atm. Go to Ask Mr Robots website. You can 100% sim healing.

…and it is 100% useless. Just ran a sim for my druid and my pally, and the sim is so unrealistic, it’s not even funny. If I played like the sim, my team would die.

I mean…

Really? Holy Light and Light of Dawn so high in m+? And WoG barely noticeable? Nah, this is pretty much garbage.


I am not responable for your ignorance. The DPS sims are even worse, simc for example is totally unrealistic. Yet is very useful.

I will give you a hint, ever tried writing your own boss script and rotation script? Also a sims job is to compare gear, not sim real contant ingame. Simc is against the target dummy, yet everyone accepts it and the other sims that are based on its flawed model.

The healing sims are against different healing patterns. The result is not expected to be the same as ingame. You need to write your own rotations and boss scripts. Thats why they exist, to give you a more game like result.

I know this because you can use ask mr robots mathematics and get results close to the logs. Close enough to be accurate. Yet again I find myself defending a sim I have nothing to do with from people who dont know how to use it correctly.

Also the sim you did is for a mythic+, not a mythic+ +15. So expect lower results. Same charactor and +15 mythic+. Result with the sim 10,820 HPS. /wow/simulator/report/7b2ef7950f124fc2ab805d1781c6adb4 I would expect you do very well at mythic+ based on the sim.

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Yes, I did.

It’s totally useless when the sim focuses on spells I normally never use. Can’t compare gear when the sim ends up with stat weights that have nothing to do with reality.

If I were doing 10k HPS in an m+ (save for a few nasty packs), that would be terrible. My job - and in fact, any healers job - in a key isn’t to pull the highest HPS possible. It’s to keep the party alive and do damage to make the run faster. If I sit back and spam holy light, then something has gone terribly wrong.

That’s another reason why simming for HPS is silly: it’s not a goal to increase it. If you’re at a stage where simming is even worth considering, it’s much more useful to sim for damage, because your healing will be enough anyway. I mean, on my pally at 220 ilevel I do pretty much the same overall HPS (~4-5k) as I did at ~200 ilevel, in the same key level, same affixes, same dungeon, same party (though different covenant). The difference is, I do a ton more damage.

For DPS their goal is to do the most damage possible. The spells used will be very close to what you normally use anyway, thus, the stat weights and item comparison make sense. For healing, though, the goal is not to do the biggest HPS. Often times, gearing for HPS would be a mistake, and detrimental to your performance.

I’ll give you an example: to maximise HPS on a druid, I’d need to gear for mastery, and have that stat as the highest weight after intellect. That would, however, plummet my performance, because I’d be missing out on haste, which is useful for both healing and damage. Thus, mastery drops pretty much to the bottom the moment I can keep my party alive. A sim will not tell me when that happens.

Even worse is the case for a paladin: the sim makes Holy Light the #1 healing spell, suggesting I should gear for making that stronger, meaning crit > haste > mastery in general. However, in M+, you rarely use Holy Light as a paladin, and focus on Holy Shock, Word of Glory, and (most importantly) damage instead, which prefer haste > versa > mastery > crit. None of the weights are at the right place if I go with the sim, making my gear choices bad, would I believe the sim.

Funnily enough, if I do a gear check, Mr Robot tells me my current stat distribution is great, a direct contradiction to what its own sim would suggest. Very useful, yes.

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There is no need to argue.
I’m sorry i opened up a sensitive topic.


I sims job is to help you make gear choices. The healers primary goal is to heal. The sim will help you balance dps and healing if thats your choice. There is a slider for that purpose. You cant gear using your opinions, as your brain cannot see what is best between items. Even the increase between the right and best talents is too small. No matter what good sounding story you tell yourself or others. Even warcraft logs cant show you the best builds and specs if no one uses them. Cant tell you if this item is an upgrade for your build.

Sim with your balance between hps and dps. Then try it out and see if your priorities works ingame. If not re-evaluate how you see the balance between dps and hps.

I use DI for dps and hps. Its procs can reach two at the same time for a massive dps increase, with no effect to healing. Experiment as you see fit.

Not when the sim is using abilities you never use in keys. That skews the stat weights, as I explained above. It’s also completely pointless to sim HPS when your bottleneck is damage, not healing (which is the case when you’re at the stage where simming would even matter).

It’s completely pointless to sim gear when the biggest upgrade will be the item that gives you the highest intellect boost (ie, when you can go from 200 to 226, you will go from 200 to 226, even if the 226 has the worst secondaries, because the primary stat is far better than anything else). Once you’re in 220+ gear, then it becomes interesting to sim upgrades, and then you sim for damage, because you already have the healing power required.

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The ask mr robot sim has a slider for dps and hps balance for your gear build. You can as a healer sim dps. You can pick that as an output for the result.

For mythic+ + 15. My dps as a healer is 2,726 DPS. My hps is 10,140 HPS. Select DPS Error Metric before you sim. Select Single target and DPS rotation.

When you do a gear check you can use Toughness Level which is an optimizer that only picks DPS gear after reaching your toughness level. I am all HPS. You can use the slider to chose a strategy that is more towards dps. This works for best in bags as well. Select Gearing Strategy of mythic+ and then move the slider to the left for a more dps strategy. Moving the slide as far towards dps as I can changes 7 items. Enchants and changes conduits as well.

You just have to sim and tweek the results. GL and hf.

Yes, I know. I’m merely telling you that you’ll always want to sim full DPS, because simming hps is 100% useless. When you get to a state where secondaries matter (that is, your choices are between secondaries rather than ilevel and secondaries), you’ll want to sim for DPS. Before that, you’ll just go with the highest ilevel, and if equal ilevel, the one that’s the biggest stat upgrade. Simming at that point is pointless. Simming for HPS past 220+ is equally meaningless, because that’s not what you optimize gear for.

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You can use Ask Mr Robot to help you with that. Just be careful, sometime the gear choices can be wrong from best in bags. Check everything by running the sim. If you want to use ask mr robot then thats your choice. If you want to do a build that is geared to dps as a priority I have no right to judge you. If you need to tweek it then all you have to do is changed a few items around. It wont be the end of the world. I can 100% see the reasoning behind improving dps, if hps is okay.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the argument. It’s just one user consistently spreading poor information no matter how many have tried to call them out for it.

You got your answer nice and early at least :slight_smile:


Napkin math is not how I do all my Disc theorycrafting.

Napkin math is the statement from the arthor about his argument for how FC is a good build. He is writing a sim like ask mr robot to prove that this build is correct. Also used as the source for how and why I am wrong. While rejecting any counter evidence because its above napkin maths.

If you dont use napkin maths for your theorycrafting. Then make an apology to me for attacking me for not using accepting napkin maths as correct.

No thanks. There is zero to be gained with continuing engaging with your forum hijacking. The OP got a correct answer to begin with regarding healing sims and that is all that needs confirming.


I guess you are still banned from the priest discord?

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What a surprise, more of the same people posting. Tell us the story about your napkin maths. How you are right and everyone else is wrong. These evil people who work on evidence and dont slander. Tell us your woe of ask mr robot and how he can never be right. How everyone else must know the truth. From god to Kane, to you. No evidence required.