How to survive Solo Shuffle

How do you guys do in Solo Shuffle ?
in more than 90% games, the 2 dps are only focussing on me.
My gear is about the same level as the other players, but it´s become very frustrating,
How do you guys deal with being focussed all the time ?
I simply cant outheal 2 dps when combined they can stun me or silence me most of the time. Once I have used trinket or bubble, It´s just a matter of time before i die.
Please dont just write “get better gear” I have okay gear, but thats not a tactic on how to survive.

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Are you posting this as a mage or a paladin? if paladin, are you ret or holy?

So I’ve literally only been a paladin for about 2 weeks in all my 15+ years of playing WoW (Bubble Boy never appealed) so take this as you will. In the arena, they will focus on you and once we’re out of bubbles, that’s it. I was also surprised at how much we’d be focused on and at how quickly our defenses became non-existent. Unfortunately after that, all you have is kiting, field of view, and staying within distance of your healer. Good luck!

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