How to turn off pet ability, prowl

Probably a stupid question but I can’t figure out how to do it.
I have a cat that is constantly in stealth and I want to turn it off.
I have googled it but the results are old and say right click the ability etc, which doesn’t seem to work any more.
I don’t normally play hunter so am very rusty…

You should be able cancel it buy clicking on the ability on your pet’s action bar. If this ability isn’t there you can find it on your spellbook under the pet spell.
Notice, this section is only available when you have an active pet.

I tried to cancel it in both action bar and spellbook, but pet remains in the stealth mode.
Tried cancelling, dismissing pet and calling again, stealth remains.
Relogging the carachter did not help either.

Funny fact, my other BM hunter has it like that without any problems.
In both cases it’s spirit beasts, one with cats, another with raptors.

Lol, after turning it off, just have to attack something with stealthed pet and gg

That’ll be what is happening with mine o.O easy when you know aint it lol

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