How toxic is tanking as a newbie?

hihi :slight_smile: recently started playing cata classic and boosted my guardian(feral) druid but i am a bit afraid of queueing in RDF as a tank because i have heard it is very toxic for dps players, so im wondering how toxic for tank players as new ?

mainly aiming for heroics and like twilight protocols

Cata community is most toxic across all wow games and doesnt matter what role you want play


well yes but i am specifically asking about how it is tanking

I don’t think you should be discouraged from tanking dungeons.

But if you’re new to both Cata as an expansion and tanking, my advice would be to watch short guides for the dungeon bosses. Just tried searching for Stonecore on youtube, there are guides from both 2011 and 2024 to choose from.

I would also recommend watching a general guide on feral tanks in Cata. Like what rotations you have, what stats you should go for, what talents and glyphs you should use, etc. Wowhead also has great class/spec specific guides that you could read through. I have a feral druid tank alt and tbh it’s not THAT complicated of a spec, watching a guide, reading up on how it plays and somewhat understanding the information should be plenty to perform at an acceptable level.

Oh, and before jumping into the new twilight protocol ones, you can ofc practice in normal dungeons/regular heroics that are generally less sweaty. Then you can get a feel of the bosses and your class, try what works, what doesn’t work etc. Aswell as hopefully getting some gear while doing so. The new dungeons can be bit rough sometimes, especially if you’re low geared.


Should be a mix.
There was a tank post I’ve read this morning, 7 kicks out of 20 runs. Or was it dps, anyway.

As a newbie tank you’ll still learn the encounters while struggle from WoW’s greatest and grandest of features, power creep. There is no chance for you to ever have proper aggro and manage dungeons where your teammates have 5x the damage of your equivalent.

Some people will be happy for you to join, and support you. Ideally you should ask around in /2 or so to have a solid group running. Make friends, temporary or else. Even if you just run 3 dungeons as a group, it should be nice. And yes, some of those might be veterans, either in disguise or on their mains. They will wait a couple second into pulls, or use fewer abilities not to overpower yours. They also won’t mind taking some mobs, because the perk of being OP is that you can often tank a little.

Others will say that this is wasting their time and block you from playing.

I’m a tank-healer main since 2021 (or 2009, but gaps) and I found it a struggle (stressful) to level as tank during WLK, depending on groups and gear. I don’t think I got kicked (apart from a silly issue) but I fairly often felt I’m not actually tanking.


This part I have done, I always tend to research specs and rotations and such before I jump into things but it does feel a lot different to retail guardian plus I have extreme performance anxiety when it comes to pugging

Don’t have any performance anxiety - people are jerks, but that’s their problem, not yours. Being a beginner is fine, everyone is at some point. Also…at this point, new phase and all, a lot of good players are in pugs, so it does meet a certain standard (still, I have yet to see a RHOT dungeon where all 5 people would do mechanics…), but usually, people in pug dungeons play the game so “well” that any performance anxiety is actually amusing :smiley: and considering you have enough of a brain to ask on a forum, I’d say unwarranted too - beginner isn’t the same thing as “unable to play well.”

Having said that and having done several runs where I guided the newbie tanks as to literally how to pull every piece of trash, there is one thing that I would strongly recommend you to do: god damn say it at the start. Personally I absolutely don’t midn guiding people, usually I don’t mind it taking twice as long etc etc., but what I always fail to understand is why the newbie in question doesn’t say it right away. Sadly, considering how toxic people are, the second you say out loud that you’re a newbie, you are risking a kick (and getting a deserter for 30 minutes for that, one of the biggest nonsenses in the game, idk what that is still present), but if you do get kicked for that, it’s because people aren’t gamers, just minmaxing machines (in a 15 years old game…). Which doesn’t help you all that much, I know…

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Oh I know but I come from retail where I don’t have the same issues, but then I log into cata and my mindset just… shifts x)

as long as he doesnt try to cheat and que for protocol twiligign in like 330 itlv and pvp gear in bags - he should be ok :stuck_out_tongue:

she but no i have boosted my feral druid due to getting the free upgrade with the MoP expansion thingie gives 359 gear

Oh that’s really nice. Im gonna boost warlock so its nice to know gear is decent :slight_smile:

this and: read chat

whats bad with pvp gear? i do 25-30k dps with my lock. twilight is very easy anyway

A good player can obviously manage with PvP gear, I had like 50% PvP gear when starting out in infernos on my mage (but I know my stuff). But you will lack a lot of secondary stats, obviously, and you will not do as well as someone with equal ilvl of PvE gear.

But if you don’t know what you are doing, PvP gear will make suboptimal play even more horrendous on the meters, which will probably put you on the votekick radar very quick.

You should check classic classic. It’s a league on its own