How u stop ww dmg

At least ww is not arms.

Could you, while fists are active, shadowstep + disarm?

It stops when you die, thats basically it.

faceroll your keyboard when bonedust brew goes off, if I’m lucky it casts trinket, die by the sword, rallying cry and intimidating shout.

Yes, but pointless. Wouldn’t do anything good for you.

Why? I guess disarm doesn’t affect it once started even if you manage to do it? I usually try to shadowstep away or shadowstep stun (since fists are also parrying everything, atleast they did in 9.0).

It won’t stop the channel I think and even if it would, you don’t disarm for the fists, you disarm for the wdp that can only be used, if fists are on cd. And once he is channeling, fof is on cd.

So overall it only will affect the monk if you do it before.

turn into corpse and que next game.

You’d be better off stepping to stun or stepping to a different player ot get out of FoF. Sprint pvp talent is also nice vs monks since you can use sprint to escape the FoF too.

Afaik, disarm does sod all generally vs WW.

dunno mate i feel like assa is very solid and balanced spec but it just hunt ,monks and wars have it too good at least in 2s they have too much surv and too much dmg and its forgiving af.I dont think is worth play assa in 2 atm u just gonna struggle if u r not prodigy

Assa is very fine in 2s. Not as good as BM and Arms, and gets countered by BM and SV quite hard but still it is good enough.

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i think u can make it work with any spec but i aint bout that life i wanna play the best :smiley:

I die real quick to lure them into a false sense of security.

then my WW partner one shots them back.

Lol those clown rogues …
yikes assa rogue is broking since bfa and now it’s more broken than bfa s4

make a rogue then…show us how its done ooh mighy virgin


If you think assas rogue right now is more broken than in bfa s4 you’re delusional. This is not even comparable.
You could throw knives and apply pressure with gushing wounds from a distance to multiple targets…


I just bend over and take it.

Calling ppl Virgin when u cant even find the kidney Button to be 2.4

Save your CC for it. You can’t tank it except with immunity (or evasion but that’s also not a guarantee), you can’t kite it because he just catches up

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kid stay mad cuz ur bad, imagine playing assa rogue and ur still hardstuck 1.8k with 2k games
ur such a clown
edit: lol he turned off his profile because he’s bad af ,xd