How "unlock" Lion's Watch hub in Tanaan ?

Returning after 3-year absence, with my level 100 Monk I wish to go to Lion’s Watch in Tanaan Jungle.
I have not yet “unlocked” access to Lion’s Watch.
I have read guides, all of which tell me I must have a level 3 Garrison and a Shipyard, and then I will get a quest from my Garrison which will start a quest chain to open Lion’s Watch. (Apparently a quest to go to Iron Docks or Iron Front ??).
However, I already have a level 3 Garrison and a level 3 Shipyard and I have no available quest in my Garrison.
I have of course checked my Quest Log, but there is nothing.
Can anyone tell me the name of the quest I need and the name/location of the quest giver, or give me any advice which might help ?
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Looking at the Tanaan Jungle guide on wowhead says you should be able to get a quest called, The Invasion of Tanaan which seems to be quite buggy while reading the comments of the quest.
Have you perhaps (accidentally) abandoned the quest before? As the comment says;
I had abandoned the quest, because the log became full when questing in legion. The map has an available quest marker for The Invasion of Tanaan about where Exarch Maladaar is, but I had no options for interacting with him. To get the quest, go to Yanas Seastrike, on the beach just east of the docks.

This link shows the whole quest chain and just in case check all the possibilities listed in the comments section! Maybe Yrel is waiting for you to join her already at Tanaan for example? :slight_smile:
I had to open a ticket to receive a quest once in Shadowmoon Valley because of some phasing issue it had, so could ofc try that if you can’ find the quest anywhere!

Edit/ Also make sure you have clicked on your minimap option, “Trivial Quests” so you can see the quest markers on map.

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Ashon, first of all thank you so much for taking the time to write such a full reply!
Unfortunately nothing has worked so far. the Wowhead guide to the Invasion of Tanaan is no use to me, as it supposes that I have received the Invasion of Tanaan quest from Yanas Seastrike at my shipyard.
I have found her (no problem there, she’s been at my shipyard since it first opened!) but she has no quest for me - and yes, I did follow your tip to activate Trivial Quests.
I’ve done a few more quests for Khadgar and Exarch Maladaar, but nothing is leading me to Tanaan.
Yrel is not already waiting for me in Tanaan either :wink:
I’ll try a few more quests in the area, but I fear I’ll end up having to put in a ticket.

Please give us the name and realm of the character having the problem, since you’re obviously not posting on it, so we can trace your quest completion.

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Character : Flikwik
Realm : Argent Dawn

Thank you

OK so Wowhead says that the Blizzard API says that you HAVE completed The Invasion of Tanaan but HAVE NOT completed Obstacle Course, the next in the series.

Another comment on Wowhead says if you have or need this quest but are not in Tanaan

Go to your shipyard and Exarch Yrel will be on the left at 27.62, 10.15
She will port you to Tanaan

Alternatively, you could probably swim, water-walk, fly to the Portal area of Tanaan

Try that

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Thank you soooo much Grainne and Ashon for your time and help.
I’ve now completed The Obstacle Course and have built Lion’s Watch.
All the best !



Thanks indeed Gráinne and Ashon! :smiley:

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