How Vault should be Changed

Hi this time i wanted say something that i feel should be changed with vault if blziard dont realy want to incrase drop chance i dont think its any problematic change or that would affect game to much even more i think it would motivate people to play more part of game than just 1.

What i talk about is change Vault reward system from picking 1 reward from whole vault to pick 3 rewards but that way you can pick 1 from Raid 1 from Dungeon and 1 from PVP

i think it would be very fair and good reward for people who spend lot of time to do all of them coz we know that sometimes all of them can have terrible items and sometimes both can have realy great items to pick

It will give a big advantage to those that play all 3 though. E.g. I play raiding and 5mans only but I still have an advantage over those that only do 5mans (and they are a lot of people).

I believe most people never touch PvP or they either do PvP or Raid+5mans and then many only do only 1 of the 3.

Ow djeezes no way more demanding work

how it would make it so big adventage many times you get in vault stuff you dont need few times in row and when you finaly get good items you from both raid and dungeon you must decide wich one to pick

also it flustrate me coz i would want collect transmog parts from HC SoD but i need decide betwen good item and transmog while in my oppinion its stupid coz hc raid give anyway weaker item lvl than mythic +

If I was in the shoes of a Blizzard dev dealing with this, I could only see myself allowing 3 rewards of each being picked if there is a one major threshold for all three that gets crossed. After all, we are talking about someone wanting to no-life the game in order to bypass the time gate barrier. That one would have to be pretty substantial though. On a minimum, I would treble the current thresholds but even if we vaguely talk double, we are probably looking at a weekly of 20 m+ (with rewards based on lowest key level done)/12k rated honor and a full raid clear.

then i pref they remove vault and give back bonus loot atlast i can roll on what i want

If they want vault to work, here’s what they can do.

Keep the “pick 1 item” part. Increase the options to 5 though. This would bring a decent determinictic gear progress, which is something that is severely lacking in the game.

Increase the “pick 1 item” to “pick 2 item” somewhere in the middle of season… or towards late season? To make people (that didn’t play at the start of the expansion) catch up with the rest.

Lastly, don’t make vault the place that provides the highest ilvl (M+). How is that different from titanforging?

How’d you resolve the issue of raiding having items that are straight-up superior to the highest m+ ilevel, though? They clearly do not want to make mythic raid gear farmable through valor, and they won’t boost end-of-dungeon stuff to that level either. It’s not as easy.

Add items that are strong in raids. Add items that are strong in m+.

That way, both sides wouldn’t feel forced to do content they don’t like.

I know some people oppose this idea by saying “yeah but i wanna do multiple contents”. It doesn’t really prevent them from doing either contents unless you want to like do +25 keys with raid gear or vice versa (because you would want to min max your damage) and if such is the case; it doesn’t make sense to hope into raid’s end-game boss with M+ or PvP gear.

There can’t be 1 universal item set that is solid in every single content. It will devastate the people that do that one spesific content.

Personally I feel like the vault is just a randomization of what the valor vendor used to be
I’d rather to back to earning valor points and then just buying an item from a vendor for it as bad luck protection against drops

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