How viable is rogue/lock is 2s-arena and must I re-roll horde?

I remember loving playing double dps in arena. Specifically I played Warlock (sl/sl) together with a rogue friend of mine.

Really want to aim high rating for TBC-Classic so wondering how viable it is 15 years later and also if I should delete my human warlock and use the upcoming 58-boost to get a undead warlock?

My thought are that a human warlock + human rogue + paranoia (and maybe engineering goggles) will get a lot of openers vs druid/rogue (and druid and/or rogue will probably be in a lot of teams). When playing double dps , getting a strong opener is important so I can see the strength of this.

But im also thinking that warriors, priests and other warlocks will be plenty so wotf just might be too strong to pass up?

Appreciate whatever thoughts people can share with me to help me make a decision :slight_smile:

Isnt orc better for warlock because of the stun resist? Dont think wotf is that important for locks because of the high spell resist and ability to remove it with the felhunter. Great for your rogue friend though.

Very viable and fun comp. One of the better double dps.

Rogue /sl sl warlock isnt rly that viable in arena.

Because u will face 2much druid/sl sl warr/druid rogue/druid

I guess u can reach 1800 fine with it, i know i did it in tbc long time ago-1800 as rogue/lock.

The main problem is that sl/sl forent have any kind of burst and low

If ur intreruped on your fears or lossed, it will be rly hard to setup kilss.

People nowadays will play way better than in vanilla tbc.

For a double dps comp- f mage rogue/ sp rogue will be a better alternative for sure.

But play what u like and gluck!

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