How was your phase 2 launch experience?

I spendt about half the night trying to log into the game, and for the most part when I did get in I had 15000 ms latency.

Hungry for even the faintest hint of pvp I can here to read your war stories, and find notting :frowning:

Where are the all the thread bragging about ‘totes pwn faction X in zone y’ - did nobody pvp ?

Is the server dead? is the sky falling!=?

sarcasm a side how did it go?


Was about half way through MC, then kept disconnecting - so decided to sit out.

Later found out the only thing I desperately wanted dropped.

Alexa, play Only Time by Enya

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Good, but very Laggy, fun at TM.

Alliance had the better numbers but a bit later on we managed to push them back to SS and even wiped the raid with a flanking move.

Typical laggy TM/SS fun with about 2 raids of Horde and what seemed to be up to 3 raids of alliance.

Healing was interesting, and trying to get off a CL without getting squished by AoE was a challenge to say the least!

Over 600 HK’s at lv 35 so was worth a trip !

Ok, of all the nights I chose last night to continue my leveling in STV.

I know stupid, but the urge was beyond my control.

I spent about 3 hours there since and it’s THE THRILL.

Don’t care what level you are. Stop worrying. It’s a game, go play it!

Trash. Alliance had to bring 250+ people anywhere there was a fight, made it unplayable. In Hillsbrad there was a fight that lasted the whole night. When the numbers got even, after the kids and boomers went to sleep, alliance lost hard. It’s the same alliance as everywhere else. They have no skill, but they can bring 200 halfwits together so that nobody else can play the game either. Considering transfering to a more balanced realm.


Of course, only skilled players play Horde. Those Alliance players only have 4 fingers, one arm, lesser brain cell count etc. This is why Alliance need more players than the Horde

You hear this whatever side you’re on. Stop crying and just play the game or as you suggested, go cry somewhere else.


I admit that part was pure salt, but them outnumbering us everywhere and causing massive lag is still true and pretty bad for both factions.

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It will die out, farming honor via zerging raids is not efficient way to get it, server is overpopulated and off balance; it was very predictable what will happen, just have hope that some horde players won’t quit because of it; also I don’t think zones being unplayable is some kind of “vanilla” experience, but wait week or two
pvp rewards are not that great compared to raiding gear


Been mostly fighting 1v1 as im out in the world (winterspring azshara etc) running into groups of allies here and there and just accepting the corpse run.

I dont get the raids at all, you make 0 honour from them basically, and i dont see how its fun with all the latency issues


I dont think most people know how honor works tbh all they care about are HKs - but the truth is past 15 they dont matter, only honor points does.

As an example I was in felwood for about 45m - inbetween all the dying (I’m a healer so getting kills before reinforcements arrives is hard :stuck_out_tongue: ) I got 10 HKs and ~1200 honor points.
Spendt an hour in the TM raid and got ~80 HKs and a wooping 300 honor points (1-5 hp/kill) and this was not counting diminishing returns, so the real score was properly even lower.

very rare that actual pvp is happening is just zerg fest versus zerg fest at the moment - well played to the 2/3 guys outside DM thats real PVP. Taking out 5 player groups before they get in because majority of alliance cant fight.

You try pvp’ing with one arm and four fingers.

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Or with 1 leg with 3 toes missing. Even if hands are fully functional, they’re used to swipe sweat from the forehead with all that ganking excitement going on. Can’t see much if your eyes (which are naturally either blind or cross-eyed, so the vision is blurry at best) are full of salty sweat.

That’s how us allies roll! I even sometimes just sit on my keyboard and just let my bunbuns do all the work. Sometimes I clean my keyboard, sometimes not. Depending on how action-packed the pvp was. Mouse is usually in my mouth, which makes breathing hard, since obviously we allies are all mouth-breathers too. Sometimes I pass out due to the lack of oxygen, sometimes my brain just says “meh, I don’t need that anyway” and I can continue pvping “succesfully”.

Hey, whatever works, right! :blush:


Sounds hot tbh.

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It can be. For added effect, I crank up the heat in the house, since sweaty bunbuns slide much easier on the keyboard, which in turn makes all my insanely awesome pvp skills seem to be lightning fast!

Also, if I really wanna pwn everyone, I’ll add some butter. Since, you know, that’s my snack-of-choice anyway, so it’s always close by.

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