How we get our News

I just saw this comment from MonekopSilk#2526 about Anthea on Xu-Fu’s, and it made me think.

It seems wrong that the only reason I knew this was added was flying into the zone for Sha of Anger and saw it on my ATT window

The devs rely on external sites and Discords and guides made by people who investigate things on the PTR. They offload the work of informing and explaining to these people. The work they themselves should be doing in the game.

I am guessing that only half of players, if that, keep up with these external news sources.

I would bet that there are many battlers who haven’t come across Anthea, or even Environeer Bert.

I suggest that they add quests for new additions at least to Audrey Burnhep and Varzok and the Pet Shop in Legion Dalaran.


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