How weak are Dks in PVP

I had Midnight drop finally in Kara and it got my hyped to play my DK.

I dont like teh button bloat of Unholy and fancied doing some big frost damage.

The damage feels decent although half our talent tree is nerfed in PVP.

Its more our defensives, death strike is way not work using and a DH cant actually out last us.

I thought the idea of DKs having no mobility, being undead and wearing plate is that we are meant to be lethal if we catch you and hard to kill.

I feel like i am more dead knight rather than death knight!

you dont want to go any deeper here, return to the classes that blizzard actually plays and designs with love

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If you wanna pvp and don’t like unholy might aswell go blood because it’s better than frost🤣


IMO if you want to PVP just take the time to learn Unholy, nothing else will yield good results long term

If I wanted to play with a pet 24/7 I’d just hop back onto my Hunter. I chose Frost for the very reason that I don’t have to always have a ghoul by my side.

Fair enough. If you’re not interested in arena especially, you can play whichever spec you like for the most part.

That being said, for 99% of PVP content out there as a whole, Unholy will outperform Frost. The only situation where Frost can shine is in 3v3 arena with a healer and WW/Devoker against 2 melee DPS.


While everyone enjoys seeing big numbers, I like the control that Frost offers.

I stopped playing arena 10 years ago when my friends quit WoW so I’m okay with running Frost in UBGs.

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Sounds good to me! Really glad people are finding ways to enjoy underperforming specs and are playing what they like


FDK is so garbage, you may even want to play defias thug on mind control


you are all saying frost is garbage but unholy is just as trash too this class does no damage and trying to survive vs another melee is a joke the fact i pop everything and a warriors like eh means nothing bro is just a joke.

warriors and monks will hard counter you. Especially monks at this beefy state. unholy is playable because of utility and to serve their partners.

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