I’m sure many of us often love to theme our characters around our chosen class. I’m well aware that there’s an unspoken rule against proclaiming one’s character to be the hero of Azeroth, for reasons that I hope are obvious.
However, some of us tend to theme our characters around military service, or being a smaller hero among many soldiers fighting among many. For instance, my hunter, Ragvir, worked as a stable beast master in a hero’s garrison during WoD. In legion, he was a member of the Unseen Path, one hunter among many, but not the Huntmaster as the gameplay leads your PC to be. Not to mention BFA providing ample opportunity for general conflict between the alliance and horde.
So, how might this work in Shadowlands? Even if a relatively ordinary profession like “looking after stabled mounts” exists in the covenants, would it be a stretch to assume that a character would travel, not just to another world, but another dimension entirely? How reasonable would it be for any character to be a regular soldier/fighter aiding one’s faction in the shadowlands?
I thought WoD was a stretch to have the average joe come in but the Garrison did employ people and teleport them in. As for shadowlands, that is a larger picture and I don’t think it would work that well to implement in roleplay character development unless as you describe, the ‘hero’ goes and not the average joe.
There’s non-Maw Walkers in the Shadowlands. Early on in the levelling, Bolvar gets his death knight/mage multiclassers to open portals to Stormwind/Orgrimmar so the way there is open for anyone to pass through. Now, we don’t see many people who aren’t prominent characters actually come through, but it is possible.
I think probably you’ll have to look for ‘average joes’ while playing the expansion, like the garrison stablehands. A role that is likely is the troop units on follower mission boards (assuming those missions are happening in the Shadowlands themselves.)
I actually found this to be a perfect excuse to dust off a old character i actually killed off years ago ie they live there in revendreth (they earned a place there trust me XD)
But for most characters i shall likly ignore shdaowlands regarding their story.
Depends how the plot will go tbh.
I wouldn’t mind staying on Azeroth fighting Scourge, but it seems likely that we’ll wipe all of it out by the end of the prepatch.
If you want to go to the Shadowlands IC, I suggest waiting at least until 9.1 and look for grunts (normal soldiers) in the Shadowlands. Otherwise it will be iffy imo.
It is the very literal afterlife of this universe, gotta be careful how we approach it.
I wouldn’t support taking an afternoon stroll in there, checking up on your grandpa who died last summer and leisurely walking back to the portal to be home by dinner time, you know what I mean?
I don’t think I will add them going to Shadowlands, as thats way more of a feat then even being a high commander or something, it’s not like you can travel back and forth however it suits you (but yeah you can do it via gamemechanics but highly doubtful lorewise), if it’s some private RPguild or something then why not, but if it’s usually open with other people it’s easier to not and be that special someone whos apperently oh so brave and special.