How would you tune the class?

Hello hello. I made this forum mostly seeing the complaints everyone have (Mostly the fact aparently hunter is always an aftertought of the devs since… WoD/BfA).
Considering hunters (mostly MM) is struggling lately, what things would you change to make it more interesting, better, or unique?

Honestly my opinion focus more on the MM side, since is the only spec i truly liked since TBC. Yet i am not alone in feeling it is just a walking corpse of what was once, 10 years ago. As such:

-Bring back aspects (monkey, eagle, dragonhawk) as an active benefit, instead of a panic button (turtle), or a sprint (cheetah). That is, you activate the aspect, and it stays on with a % buff to a skill/stat for as long as you stay alive or swap;

-bring aspect of the pack again, either as a small speed boost when running for the group (like the crusader aura when riding), or an alternative to the druid speed boost;

-Hunter’s Mark have a return as a damage boost to EVERYONE who hits that target. it can have either a long CD (with an high damage boost, making it proper for bosses or tough mobs), or instant/automatic when you hit a target, like a debuff (with a smaller but effective damage boost, ofc);

-(personal opinion) Stop pushing Rapid Fire. It looks clanky and weird, and players are forced to use it since it is impossible to progress the MM talent tree without wasting a point on it. For those who like it, fine. For those who don’t give an alternative ability (such as a classic frost/poison chimaera shot, or a classic explosive shot that double taps damage). I am a hunter with a bow or a classic hunting gun, not an assault rifle, and it breaks the suspension of disbelief for me;

-aimed shot should hit harder, would say either increase by half or double the damage;

-a buff in damage to the arcane shot is also necessary. Nothing as extreme compared to aimed shot, but even after the little boost on the damage this expansion, it isn’t worth the focus spent on it. To make it more interesting, there could be a talent that caused a “mana burn”, either increase cast time for casters, or sap a small bit of mana, or simply cause a magic type (blue) dot.

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