How's the population?

So we are a whole guild considering moving over from Gehennas as we are getting more and more people within the guild growing tired of the queues.
I don’t trust all the randoms screaming that a realm is empty and whatnot on the general forum but if anyone who is already actively playing on Earthshaker could vouch or at least come with their opinion about what the status of the realm is would be highly appreciated


this server is absolutely dead

It is certainly no Gehennas but it’s not dead. With the new transfers opening up (two new realms to Earthshaker) the population will increase further.

When layering is removed, queues will probably increase on full servers. The new transfers are to prepare for the removal of layering.

Just to add some more thoughts.

The server was quite dead during the weekend to my surprise. As there was massive queues (above 12k combined) on firemaw and gehennas I had thought that more players would’ve transferred. So during the weekend it took little more than 30 minutes to form a group for WC.

Also, during the weekend I was quite lonely in orgrimmar. However, during this week I am no longer the only one in orgrimmar. Now there are players in all of them.

During the week I haven’t had any issues finding players for harder quests. There are players everywhere now.

Now with two new servers being able to transfer to Earthshaker it will become even more lively. I

The server isn’t dead.

According to census data that I have been collecting during prime time (just last night). It has found 2600 people on the horde side.

It’s currently just not a “mega server”.

wowpop dot appspot dot com/realms/earthshaker

You can see the population there. It includes both alliance and horde sensus data with characters above level 5.


I have done a couple of SM runs and it wasnt that hard to find a group, sure it isnt like gehennas where you barely could read the lfg chat. never “felt” alone while questing and this morning i got into a group doing some elite quests in arathi.
sure it may take some time tonget a group here and there but ill take that any day before dedicating 10 hours of a day trying not to get afk in the character screen haha. just log in and play is great.

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Server is fine. Everybody seems to forget, that as Blizzard stated “A low pop server now is as big as high server in vanilla”. I haven’t had any problems getting groups. At least the 20-40 range seems to be very well populated.

From my own experience the extra time you spend looking for a group is quickly offset by the fact that you do not have to compete for every single mob during normal questing.

There are already Alliance guilds doing molten core, obviously not on the same scale as the overcrowded realms but more like i remember a classic server was back in the days.

Reputation is also a lot more important since you tend to run into the same people every once in a while. I also struggle to understand how servers with around 70 000 players having their character there is supposed to work out when layering is removed. Even if we assume that blizzard could magically field 30 000 people online at such a server with no layering we would have literally hundreds of people in every single zone. Obviously the lvl 60 zones would be hit even harder than that. Good luck farming anything at that point.

I don’t think this is something blizz will even consider, so the realm sizes will be reduced and queues will skyrocket. Or we can hope that 70% of the playerbase stops playing and all the full servers will be managable.

I have both a full time job and a family, so the queues were never an option for me either way.

Server is growing fast. Yesterday we hit Medium steadily for the first time. Several big guilds have transferred. Yesterday we gained almost 1k horde and alliance.

Keep em coming!

Yep on alliance side as well. Server is not dead. It’s just not a mega server, which is good if you want a more authentic vanilla experience. You will actually recognize players, instead random enemy player number 632

Server is realy nice.