How's the RP on Zandalar tribe?

Hey y’all!

I’m a returning player to Wow. I’m about to start playing classic, but I’m deciding between rolling on this server and Hydraxian Waterlords.

Since I’m digging RP, I’m wondering if the RP community is active on this server? :smile: Also, how’s the balance between Alliance/Horde RP, is either of the factions more active? :thinking:


Awful faction imbalance since the opening of Phase 2 and transfers. I don’t know about Hydraxian.

Not sure that matters if you’re focusing on RP.

Well I’m Horde so I don’t know about Alliance, but there are many RP events during the week end. Nothing big the other days thought. For example there was a fantastic Poetry event yesterday which brought many people from different guilds, and there are also events who are RP-PVP.

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  1. It is imbalanced but not awful like some said. Hydraxian Waterlords is where it’s awful. It’s really like 80/20 there.
  2. It is imbalanced on ZT since the very beginning, I don’t know why people keep telling “since P2”. No, it was always like that, now you are witnessing it even if you don’t want to see.
  3. Hydraxian Waterlords (Alliance) has many more and much more advanced RP hubs, guilds etc.


Right now Horde RP is ahead in terms of organisation and community (sorry Alliance). But efforts are being made to improve both sides RP which I have been trying to do by helping with the Alliance War Council and provide the RP discord as a platform for cross-faction discussion and events.

Horde has daily events; The College of Tales usually host a campfire around midnight each day. The Horde War Council is also a large organisation with around 15 guild participants that focus on RP in WPVP events.

I’m sure you’ll find RP on either side :slight_smile:

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