tldr; is there moderate activity among roleplayers as of now?
Hi there, I’m a returning WoW player who’s a fan of doing the roleplay thingie. I’ve previously moved over to FFXIV, but work and stuffs and things requires me to get back into EU servers, and only sticking to Warframe for entertainment whenever I’m not at work gets a t i n y b i t t e d i o u s.
What guilds are prominent and active for Alliance and Horde as of now? Are there any hotspots outside of Cathedral Square and Valley of Honor? Does Argent Dawn Archives still exist?
Well… sort of, is the best I can say.
You’re not going to find as many people online as during Legion or BfA launch, even at peek hours.
But there still is enough activity to make up a community. And there are still server events (although the feast in Uldum had pretty low attendance this weekend, imo), campaigns and random RP to be found.
Just not as much. I think 8.3 might give a brief boost, especially to Uldum and Pandaria RP, as well as neutral, Champions of Azeroth themed stuff. But I wager the next best time to RP will be during the new xpac, a week or two after launch. They hopefully won’t screw up again and we’ll have a decently large community again.