Hpala LF focused yet friendly raiding guild


I’m looking for a well organized raiding guild where the focus is on raiding whilst raiding and the funny banter is left for social events - there’s nothing wrong with the banter, but I’d like to improve my gameplay and progress and I am way too easily distracted to be able to do that in a chaotic environment.

I main my holy paladin, and I don’t have enough time on my hands to be able to have a plethora of alts at the ready to switch between. I try to put what time I have on learning my preferred class and spec well instead. That said, I am slowly working on levelling my BDK (lvl 72 atm) and I have also set up ret spec for my pala, but I strongly prefer to stay holy.

I’m in my mid-40s, so obviously I have a lot of outside-of-WoW stuff going on, and real life always comes first and thus I do have an understanding for that happening to others as well. If absences and lateness become the norm though, rather than the exception, then one should reconsider ones ability to commit to a raiding team.

I don’t have a lot of raiding experience, but I would love to learn and am open to any and all constructive criticism. A friendly, ambitious guild of focused noobs that all learn and improve together would also be quite :+1:

My preferred raiding days are Wednesdays, Sundays and Mondays, but I should be able to make other days work as well. Preferred raid time would be 20-22 server time, but I might be able to be a bit flexible there as well.

I value straightforward, open communication. I have no patience for guilds that allow bigotry of any kind.

I would also prefer a guild with activities outside raiding as well - such as m+ events, doing delves etc.

If you want to talk more, comment here or add me on discord: hadit

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