[H]<Scarab Lord Wannabes> Recruiting for progression! -Closed-

Join the Hive, become its minion.

Who are we?

What started out as a small group of players, has expanded into a large community. Our core mentality is casual and we wish to keep the social aspect a high priority. It is a game and we aim to have fun after all! But with a look more towards progress then other casual guilds, we do want to see all content!
We are international and with players from east to west, high to low,
with different backgrounds and different life styles, from all over the globe. Mature people with jobs and/or kids that still want to raid.

What are we looking for?

Sensible players for our community and active, competent players for our raiding progress in BWL. Players that would like stay for the long term and be part of a team to progress together instead of those in search for a easy clear and loot.

Right now we mainly seek:

Others interested are still more then welcome!

We have discord for communication, raiding, and sharing valuable, as well as social information.
We raid twice a week, Thursday & Sunday, between 7pm and 10pm server time.
We use a +1 system and discussions for certain items. Where everyone has a voice not just the officers.

Where are we so far?

BWL 8/8
The remaining content is on farm. With a semi casual attitude we aspire to progress as far as possible and see all content!

Final notes:

Bullying, sexism, homophobia, discrimination or profiting on other members of the guild is shunned upon.

Speak to Panzerhoof, Vilderen, Omnombrains or Gawd.

P.S. Socials and or casuals that want a very fun active community are more then welcome too!


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