[H][Stormscale] Fury Warrior LF Guild

Heya there, warrior here looking for a new raiding guild.
Current guild is coming to an end, barely scraping 10 players during raiding days & in SoD didnt even manage to get that much after clearing SoD in HC, so Im looking for a more active guild.
I got some raiding experience, gotten most of the AotC achievements all the way from MoP SoO with some Mythic experience along the way.
Looking for a guild that raids 2 days a week, preferably during 18:00-23:00 ST (not 5hrs a night, but at that time window).
Server or faction change isnt a roadblock for me.


[H] [Tarren Mill] is recruiting for 2 day morning mythic raid team! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

here’s a small preview! (1654) Breakfast raiders Highlights #1 - YouTube