To tell you a bit about myself, I am pretty serious about WoW and have played for years, but have mainly cared more about PvP although I still did mythic dungeons or some normal raids every now and then. PVP has got stale now, the concept always remains the same and I have lost all interest in PvP.
I have been running M+ seriously for the first expansion and started a couple of weeks ago on that, ive cleared all of them on +10 most +11 and wanna keep building up towards clearing them all on +15 which i think I can do with the right groups, but that is only my secondary interest.
I cleared CN normal in a week or so and then wanted to start HC which I now cleared a few weeks ago, I have tried a couple of guilds and stayed with a great group of guys I joined when I was first starting to clear HC CN as I wasn’t sure where I fit in and was just happy to progress.
Unfortunately I was much quicker at picking things up and progressed through to 10/10 a few weeks ago whereas they are still 9/10 attempting Sire so I need a guid that is more competitive and has cleared 10/10 HC and is pushing, or ready to push, Mythic CN and future raids.
I do not consider myself a ‘highly skilled’ warlock and i am new to maining warlock, I am not new to WoW and understand the mechanics of every fight very well and I consider myself to be knowledgeable on all of the fights whilst learning new ones very quickly. I may not be able to parse incredibly high like some people or be ‘cutting edge’ like some Mythic guilds require, but I am a decent player who gets the mechanics right, does good damage, and is always looking to improve at playing my class. I guess what I want is, something serious but not TOO serious.
I am new to Warlock in Shadowlands but from PvP I already have a good understanding of all of the classes abilities and spells so picking up Warlock hasnt been too hard im just finessing the rotations and when to use my CDs still.
I live in the UK and I want to raid in the evenings, whether that is on weeekdays or weekends I do not care, anytime from 7-8PM Server Time is good for me. I am still interesting in doing HC clears but really I want to start clearing CN Mythic ASAP. Please reply here if you are possibly interested in having me and I would be more than happy to talk with all of you
Thanks in advance