Hello Everyone! Indecision are a Heroic Raiding Guild, looking to complete Curve for every tier into Shadowlands. We are actively looking for raiders/social players.
We are a reformed guild with members that have experience dating back to Burning Crusade. We are a group of skilled players with families/lives/jobs, that can no longer commit to endless days/hours of WoW, but we aim to clear Heroic Raid content every tier. We do ALOT of Mythic+ and we have a very active Discord channel and members, so we like to add more social and chatty people to the mix :)! If you are interested in a guild to hang out with and ask for help, please too whisper us as well! We arnt just all about Raiding!
We raid Thursday and Monday, from 21:00 - 23:30 Server Time
Our current gaps to fill are:
Balance Druid
Elemental Shaman
Resto Shaman
Please either whisper any of our members in game, by typing /who Indecision , and you will be directed to myself, or add myself on Discord for a chat (Dan/Smiffy#3135)