Huge interface problem now

previously a blizzard support told me to use this command.
/console cvar_default this command has completely ruined my game, what in the world did this do exactly. i’m getting macros auto deleted keybinds auto deleted.

Cvars are basically all your settings. Every setting responds to a cvar.

The cvar cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor for example can contain a value between 1 and 2.6 and controls how far you can zoom out. But there’s many more cvars. Basically any setting regarding your interface has a corresponding cvar.

With /console cvar_default you can reset cvars to their default value.

/console cvar_default cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor for example would reset the max. zoom distance to its default value.

If you use /console cvar_default without specifying which cvar to reset, you reset all cvars instead. So you basically reset the complete interface to it’s default state.

You can find more information about cvars here:

And a full list of all the cvars here:

The intention of the blizzard support probably was to reset your interface to the default state to check if a bad value for cvar was the cause of your original problem.


Okay i found the original post you were refering to. To be fair the support told you that this command would reset your interface. But I also agree that he/she should have made it more clear what this actually means and should’ve maybe included an example on how to properly reset individual cvars.

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Thank you for providing the context here, Shadazzle!

I have nothing more to add here, other than offering my sincere apologies to Hl for the inconvenience caused - we definitely should have made it more clear what the outcome of using a command like this would be.

does this command has any relation with the game abilitys input by any chance?

I don’t think so. The keybinds and stuff are separate from from the cvars.

What’s your problem?

i can feel my abilitys are beying delayed, i’m very used to my keybinds and my ms is average of 40 to 60 but apparently now i can see i’m being slower.
same gear same latency, as if the input got changed all sudden.
takes me like 15 click for the spell to go off.

The only 2 options I can think of that affect input delay are Triple Buffering in System > Advanced and Vertical Sync in System > Graphics.

Maybe try experimenting with turning both of those of.

Your spell queue window got back to the default 400. Look up that setting if you want it back to a lower value but I wouldn’t recommend it since it’s purpose is to queue the next spell. If you set it too short then you will introduce short breaks into your rotation that are only visible on the server side.

The default 400 MS is sufficient. I recommend getting used to it.