HUGE ISSUE with the quest "It's all coming together"

I am currently being hit by the well-known issue where I cant proceed further in the Kyrian campaign because of a bug with the “It’s all coming together” quest.
This means that I cannot unlock my soulbind, daily callings or anything else in my covenant hall.
I am kinda frustrated as this results in my performance being hit also and therefore cannot enjoy the game as I thought.
Shadowlands really stole my heart as I am impressed by the color scheme, lore and beautiful new content.

This game bug really just kills all of that…

Please if you have any fixes on this do share.
… Not able to complete callings as these aren’t unlocked yet.


I am having the exact same problem and it’s a real pain in the a$$. Game Masters can’t do nothing about it. They just give me the whole basic nonsense. I tried disabling my addons, deleting my WTF folder and everything. I even tried doing all of the World Quests… It’s a real annoyance so far. What else can I do? I feel ya’ man. It’s a nightmare. I hope that somebody found a good solution.

Yea im really speechless as this is a gamebreaking bug.
However, there has atleast been a bluepost here: It’s all Coming Together covenant quest bugged - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

But unfortunately for me raiding tonight is gonna be so sad…

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