Huge War Within Spoilers!

RIP Dalaran & Khadgar. It appears this happens at the start of the expansion. :skull:

Source HERE.

#doubt that gonna end it like that. Maybe out for 1-2 expac, but return for the finals. Betting me 10 gold.

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It would be a really cool plot twist.

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Ye indeed.

Khadgar’s death was foreshadowed in Shadowlands, so I was expecting this to happen eventually.

Losing Dalaran is also a great way of demonstrating the threat we are facing.

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The War Within

Sorry I was just testing the spoilers auto Hide feature :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT : ok didnt realise you had to do it yourself :open_mouth:

How so? I haven’t really seen anything in SL about Khadgar other than a raven in Oribos.

NOO not sensei! :sob:

Darn it this why I hate spoilers. We don’t need to know but since we do I am booking a flight to california to deal with those dev’s personally myself. How dare they even think of killing off Khadgar!

The ‘Stay and while and listen’ between Khadgar and Jaina in patch 9.2.5 hints at it.

I completely missed that one. Yeah looks like he knew he was running out of time.

I just hope he gets to go out swinging like a Champ.

Dalaran has a nasty habit of getting destroyed and rebuilt.

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Depends how it gets destroyed this time I guess.

I bet it’ll be knocked out of the sky by a void beam or something.

There are first videos showing the scale of destruction. In the past it was simply crumbled, but the foundations of the city remained intact as well as the sewers.

This time whole city simply fell flat and splattered magnyfying the destruction tenfold.

I welcome this outcome and I think it should have happened during the start of BfA instead of Teldrassil.

My reasoning for that is there are too many neutral groups in the game that employ the assisstance from the players and weaken the purpose of two major factions.

In the past during numerous patches we’ve had either shared neutral player hubs like for example Argent Tournament, Molten Front, Mechagon, Korthia and Zereth Mortis. The so called sanctuaries where players from both factions approached the same quest givers and did the same story.

And there were also patches where factions got their own seperate hubs, had different npcs and although quests were mirror match of each other they still felt different. Best example here are Landfall, Isle of Thunder, Tanaan Jungle and Nazjatar.

Not all of those neutral groups should be removed, but their significance could be lowered. Others would benefit from being completely absorbed by one of the factions, like Order of the Silver Hand being basically in the ranks of the Alliance.

Because let’s be honest, those neutral groups were pretty useless on their own. To accomplish world saving feats they still needed help from the real powers on Azeroth, and served as a mere hosts to house those factions greatest champions.

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And, we’re not saying he dies, but Khadgar has not appeared on the War Within alpha yet.

I honestly hope they don’t get rid of Dalaran, it’s such a beautiful city!, stop destroying the pretty places for goodness sake, first Dala now Dalaran, what next!

Gimme a time and place, I’ll bring cookies!

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We don’t really know what happened because there is no cutscene. And if there is no corpse and burial it could always be a fakeout like Muradin in WC3.