I am trying to unlock the highmountain tauren and I wonder if it’s better than the normal?
I am a tauren warrior right now and is highmountain better?
I am trying to unlock the highmountain tauren and I wonder if it’s better than the normal?
I am a tauren warrior right now and is highmountain better?
Go Vulpera, short, cute and it looks funny as hell XD, on a serious note there’s not much in it, i guess technically high mountain is ever so slightly better but id say its more down to do you want to mine or get herbs XD
Compare racials or/and gathering skills if you are not decided.
I think for a Warrior Taurens (https://www.wowhead.com/tauren
) have Endurance (https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20550/endurance
) and War Stomp (https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20549/war-stomp
), which could arguably be better for tanks. Also, Taurens are known by better Herbalists, however it is important
Highmoutain Tauren have extra charge, Bull Rush (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=255654/bull-rush
), and damage reduction, Rugged Tenacity (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=255659/rugged-tenacity
) plus their versality is increased due to Mountaineer (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=255658/mountaineer
). Also, H.Taurens are better miners if your professions will involve mining. It saves a lot of time.
EDIT. Sorry about the mess with links. I still can’t provide any, even to Wowhead. Idiotic forum rules!!! I hope links can be justified by my intention to give you quick option to read about the abilities.
I don’t want to be a vulpera warrior and I have a druid for herbing
You came here asking which race to choose and we are giving you criteria which you don’t have to consider. In the end it’s not me who is going to playing your warrior. I have a H.Tauren miner and I like its fast mining. If there is nothing else to consider, I take professions into account as well.
Select H.Tauren and use the Trial option. Play with it a little bit and see if you can feel any difference. Maybe this will help you to decide or in the end tells you unlocking HT is not worth at all!
High Mountain turan is really amazing. I was thinking about it before zandalari. What i liked about it is the extra Charge/Stun where warrs are lacking of. For pvp and tanking that damage reduce and verstility with that good extra untarget charge is really amazing. I vote for the high mountain turan dude. I think Yes, it is better for a warrior. You can change your main character faction for free in PTR though ,just incase you didnt know.
It depends of what /moo you prefer, both sound really good.
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