Human heritage feedback

Orcs are getting peon transmog as heritage armor, hehheh.

Grunts. Not peons.
Peons look like this:

It doesn’t look like a Grunt’s outfit, more like a chieftain or warlord.
Straight out of the second war, classic orc, I like it.
The Human one is pretty decent, I hope the questline is good.

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actually that’s wrong humanity was unified under it’s first king then broke into the 7 kingdoms later

Early humans were primarily a scattered and tribal people for several millennia, until the rising strength of the troll empire forced their strategic unification. Thus the nation of [Arathor] was formed, along with its capital, the city-state of [Strom]

the first king’s sword Strom’kar, the Warbreaker is a artifact in legion for warrior it makes troll npcs cower in fear

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It’s all mentioned here

Platinum wow’s story telling will never not be funny i mean its true but its generally over the top in his version :smiley:

Love me some Platinum wow videos. He tells stories in a very fun way.

I also noticed how Scandinavian the early human lore is. Especially stuff like Tyr.

I just finished watching Vikings the tv show so I noticed a lot of similarities :rofl:

well the Vrykul is a copy paste norse viking society though the titans them self are more greek though the titan watcher odyn is obviously based on the all father Odin so you have a bit of a mix

and the planet warcraft takes place on sounds suspiciously close to Azathoth the devs do love lovecraft so who knows :smiley:

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