Human Vs. Worgen Vs. Void Elf DK

What in your opinion makes the better DK based purely on looks?

I liked the idea of a Worgen DK very much, but I was checking the plate sets and 9 out of 10 look HIDEOUS on Worgen, with helm being insta-hide. Humans look good in everything but their model is less detailed than the Void Elf one, however the Elves (females) IMO look bad in plate, their body is just too thin. Opinions on the three races? Couldn’t try many animations due to limited amount of skills.

Human. Best race.

it makes more sense and IMO looks better a Human DK.
one of my friends plays one and always has the dang drip.

Human DK looks nice, and in terms of racials you have the extra rep buff which is 10% (I think)

Void elf DK is nice too. Not sure what they are in terms of lore :thinking:

Void elves also have the transmog discount racial, which for me as a transmog obsessed person, is always a plus. One of the reasons I miss my Voidy main when I faction changed.

Anyway it’s up to you. Racials get nerved or buffed anyway, so focus on the race you like.

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The Ice Wolves shall rise!

They fit so good with blue runic eyes

Pandaren DK, for the ridiculous contrast.

My arena mate made a Panda DK, and called it “Pandeath”, looks beautiful.

Imo Worgen, and don’t let people tell you worgen is “furry”. They’re not. Worgens have been a thing in wow for a long time, way before the whole furry meme became popular :wink:

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That doesn’t concern me, I play what I want and own it.

My only problem with worgen is the transmog, almost every helmet model needs to be hidden and then there’s the shoulders, which like NE (+nightborne) male suffer from oversized & floating shoulderpads

Oh and I could never bring myself to play female, I find the wolf form with a bra ridiculous. Blizzard did the right thing giving Dracthyr one universesal form. So, there’s that, limited to only male.

So, you want the better DK based on looks, and yet only lists Human, Worgen, and Void Elf? Come on…

If you want a good-looking DK, you pick a Dwarf or a Gnome.

Already got a dark iron dwarf warlock. XD Gnomes, well, I don’t like them very much.

if you accept another race suggestion: Orch

Then roll a Bronzebeard or Wildhammer Dwarf Death Knight.

That is a you-problem.

I mean… yes. But also. They weren’t a race back then. And became a race sort of… out of the blue. Very… suspicious. From the same company that gave us Vulpera later and now drakthyr.

I’m fine with all, I love worgen. I think they look badass and have cool Victorian Werewolf style and look good in many Tmogs and have cool voices and cool lore. But they’re also kinda furry. Kinda.

Oh on topic. Not void elf. The game has too many elves as is and they are walking nonsense. Human DK is the OG, you’ll look cool and have that original DK vibe going for you. Animations are also nice, racials too.

Worgen have that brutality going for them though, more savage animation, lower voices, you can look spiky and ferocious. And they rock with glowing eyes. Also… they have a speed racial, which isn’t bad on a class like DK.

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kultiranhuman or dwarf as tank alliance

I love werewolves and I don’t think that back then they wanted to pander, I mean, people like Metzen and all that OG dev team… I just can’t see it. Nowadays? Sure.

Anyway, yeah, they can rock certain (small amount from what I’ve seen) transmogs very well, but overall quite hard to make them look good. Still unsure on what to pick. :frowning:

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Worgen looks quite good as DK.

Also with .5 we should be able to transmog the Gilnean starting gear.


Human. As much as I dislike humans compared to other WoW races, the classic DK is a (rotting) Human…

Void Elf or Worgen

Why play a human in a fantasy game. You’re a human IRL

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Female Worgen hands down