<Humility> Looking for raiders to push into Mythic Wed and Sun 8pm-11pm Server Time

We are recruiting new raiders to join our team. Looking for all DPS and will consider healers and tanks if the right fit comes along. We aim to get curve every tier and to clear as much of Mythic as possible.

We frequently run Mythic+ together and aim to get everyone curve and KSM (if desired). We’re fundamentally a friendly, social group of people who enjoy to have a laugh and down some internet bosses. We play other games together and you’ll often find one or more of us sat in the guild discord!

We try to include everyone in the content we run and we understand that people have lives outside of WOW.

We also have a community (Humility but Cross Faction) so if you’re not on Ravencrest but still like the sound of us then get in contact and you can join us via the community!

You can contact me Via Bnet or on Discord for more information:

Discord: jade1605
Bnet : Jade#2436

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