Hunter changes aint live on EU yet?

Do we know why? :slight_smile: Thought they should be implemented wth the weekly reset


Obviously cause it’s a new, small indie company.
Sarcasm aside: Don’t know why, but i’m not surprised.

open tickets
request refund of lost game time without patch being live on eu
apart from that idk what else one could do except maybe lean back and chill

I prefer the spamming on forums with new tickets for each hunter feeling offended!

yeah where tf is it ? it literally says 23rd hotfix for eu but nothing changed …

“With weekly reset”.
Not hotfix :slight_smile:

  • actually it said hotfix…

Yep , I tried it this morning , nothing.

I thought the maintenance was already done ?

literally says “hotfix” on the title there smartass

You have a bad day, dont you? :smiley:

I’ve seen this morning that it was already live on US servers , when will it be up on Eu servers ?

Guess its a mistake. Will see if it gets hotfixed, or we have to wait another week

I think all the hunter changes were originally planned for next week. But apparently in the US there are some developers who play ranged hunters.

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“Hunter Adjustments Included in April 23rd Scheduled Maintenance”

bump, how is this even a thing ?!

US are testing it first

What hunter changes?

All i see is paladin,rogue, shadowpriest, druid

Edit: ok i see it now. They made 2 different blue posts and one is with hunter changes and the other one is without them.

Ranged hunter going full beastmode in pvp

nah they just don’t care about eu and forgot to include hunter changes yesterday’s maintance oopsie

Maybe it’s on Fridays maintenance?

Who knows, maybe ?

So glad we pay a monthly sub for this level of service, where they just forget about their customers on a different continent

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