Hunter checklist for the next week

Hello everyone, since our class is going to receive changes next week. I’m going to make a list of changes that the majority of hunters have been asking for and making important ones Bold, while also adding some of my own requests. I’m not going to go into specs and hero talents so here is the list:

QoL requests

  1. Better pet AI and a Tool to unstuck our pets
  2. Bloodlust being baseline and not pet related
  3. Having our AoE kit baseline or easier access to in Spec tree (especially MM) for leveling in dungeon and general
  4. Exhilaration being off GCD and benefiting from Versatility stat
  5. Feign Death target drop happening faster for PvE and a option for Play Dead pet ability to be combined with Feign Death
  6. EDIT: Mend pet being off GCD or passive, healing your pet when they are under CC or when they lose a portion of their health with an internal cooldown
  7. Pets becoming mostly cosmetic and making pet family abilities baseline to reduce pet swapping in instances
  8. Pet Stables being account wide
  9. Removing forced passive slow talents instead making active slow abilities more powerful(example: 50% pet slow, 50% concussive shot/wing clip , 50% tar trap, 20% arctic bola And 40% hero talent slow, You don’t need pet slow, arctic bola and Hero talent slow)
  10. Posthaste granting movement immunity (you can get rooted mid air in disengage) OR a second charge of disengage
  11. Pets ignoring Line of Sight as long as the pet is in range (at least for utility)
  12. All of the aspect cooldowns being 2-min CD instead of 3-min
  13. Intimidation can be used when you are in CC just like any other pet specs
  14. Pet leech also healing the hunter
  15. Freezing trap preferring players or affixes/casting NPCs first rather than the enemies that are immune to the trap

Class changes requests

  1. Reduce 2 point talents
  2. New, fun and useful talents no strings attached or niche uses
  3. Removal of forced and useless 2 point talents to get to the talents we actually want
  4. Better pathing in talents less point investment for defensives and meaningful decisions
  5. Sentinel Owl needs a buff/rework massively and should have a fixed cooldown and duration
  6. Bursting Shot moved to class tree and the bug for it to be fixed (the bug is sometimes Bursting Shot does not work at all, I believe it has to do with Camera angle or where your character is facing)
  7. A decent upgrade to Tranq Shot
  8. Removing/Reworking meme ability called Stampede
  9. Serpent Sting being baseline for Survival or easier to get in Class Tree
  10. Allow other hunters to use exotic pets
  11. Mending Bandage added to class tree or Turtle removing dots
  12. Alpha Predator needs to be easier to get
  13. Wailing Arrow moved to class tree and usable for all 3 specs, no cast time
  14. A decent raid buff
  15. Roar of Sacrifice being useful in PvE
  16. Feign Death giving a DR (I guess they don’t want to do this one)
  17. Explosive Trap option to knock up enemies
  18. Windburst or Hunting pack added to class tree
  19. Add a choice node between old Chakrams from survival hunter or Death Chakram buff also Chakrams to be a competitive option for survival (personal)
  20. Both Explosive Shot and Barrage removed and added to MM spec tree and replaced with something new that all 3 specs can use without requiring a ranged weapon (personal)
  21. Making pet taunt a bit more relevant
  22. New animations and sound effects for some of the old abilities
  23. Binding shot having an active button pulling enemies to the middle
  24. giving Survival hunter a 3-extra yard melee attack range group buff(personal)
  25. Freezing Trap reducing healing and damage done
  26. Scare Beast being baseline and useful or buffed maybe be instant or just AoE fear

I’m not even sure if the devs read EU forums but I’m curious to see what the hunter dev is cooking, if they are actually listening to the community and proving themselves or just adding more useless and niche talents and calling it a rework like the new Ghillie Suit datamined talent.

Also the list is very long sorry for the errors and missing stuff.


A easy fix for all the pet problems, would be if pets were only there for autoattacks and all abilities would spawn an animation of your current pet.
That way CC etc wont be able to make more than half of every BM/Surv Hunter bugged and Marksmen would be able to use all of the general class tree without having a pet out.

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Off the gcd would be enaugh

But the rest i 100 % agree

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Better pet AI and a Tool to unstuck our pets
→ Blink strike used solve the issue but was removed (probably cause of PVP)

Exhilaration being off GCD and benefiting from Versatility stat
→ Yes … Very much so.

Feign Death target drop happening faster for PvE and a option for Play Dead pet ability to be combined with Feign Death
→ I macro them together so I don’t think this is a big issue. Play dead is off gcd.

Pet leech also healing the hunter
→ Don’t ferocious pet give you 5% leech?

Sentinel Owl needs a buff/rework massively and should have a fixed cooldown and duration
→ They could use the old Kyrian spell that gave the party ability to dps without LOS which was a nice gimmick and extend it to raid and buff it a little.

Serpent Sting being baseline for Survival or easier to get in Class Tree
→ Funny thing about hunters is that they have almost nothing that is baseline

Wailing Arrow moved to class tree and usable for all 3 specs, no cast time
→ It should never have had a cast time and even less such a huge cooldown. It also does barely any damage.

A decent raid buff
→ Trueshot aura used to be that but the developement line of hunters was: Make them as useless as possible.

Explosive Trap option to knock up enemies
→ And reposition it in the class tree because holy hell is it hard to justify taking it.

Both Explosive Shot and Barrage removed and added to MM spec tree and replaced with something new that all 3 specs can use without requiring a ranged weapon (personal)
→ Frankly, I’d remove barrage altogether. This spell as always been either under tuned or a massive liability in dungeons. It’s purpose was only pulling rooms in world or solo content.

New animations and sound effects for some of the old abilities
→ You mean ALL abilities, hunter is the weakest class in animation and visualization department by FAR. For me this is actually the biggest thing hunter needs to become relevant again. The new trap launch animation is cute but horribly slow.

I’m not even sure if the devs read EU forums
→ I’m not even sure they read the US ones …


The think is and problem only your abilitys leech you, major damage like killcommand only heals your pet, so does stomp it count as pet damage and leech only the pet

This was from times where mobility and aoe cc like aoe roods and slows where way lower, it needs tu return for PvP, tol make BM viable my dame pet is stucked halth of the game eaven i spam dispell it with mendpet talent


Let’s be real, it’s WoW, the “amazing hunter change” will be x ability increased by 2% that no-one uses.


Yep, but there is no harm in checking what they are going to deliver compared to what we want.

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No more pet types would be great. Give mm increased range and 6% avoidance at all times, and pet hunters the following :

Tenacious Stance :
Signal to your pet to take a “Tenacious stance” Granting the Hunter and it’s pet a 5% damage reduction from all sources while active
Ferocious Stance :
Signal your pet to take a “Ferocious Stance”
Grants 10% leech and causes Auto attacks from the hunter and its pet to cause an infected wound for 3 seconds; reducing the targets healing recieved by by 50%. (Essentially just the same debuff that arms warriors and certain pets already have)
Cunning Stance :
Signal your pet to take a “Cunning Stance”
Granting the hunter and its pet 10% increased movement speed and reducing the duration of stun and movement impairing effects by 50%.

And ofcourse unbind bloodlust from the pet and grant it to the hunter.

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Really dont be optimistic for these changes 50% what u want they are not going to do that.

Lol no this they just removed extra melee ranged for rogue, etc so no dont hope for it

This was meant for BM since all of BM’s damage comes from your pet and with Aspect of the Beast the leech goes more to waste especially in PvE

Yes almost every animation or effect needs some kind of work on them and some other race based abilities need glyphs to make them more interesting depending on Race but i guess that’s too much to ask for

Everything is a mismatch or buggy an example would be if you use Mongoose Bite during Fury of the Eagle you can still see the stabbing animation of FotE, and I was surprised to find out Survival of the Fittest only shows the old green effect to my team not the blue bubble (which doesn’t even match the talent name).

It would also be nice to see some explosion effects for Poison Injection

Sound effects also go a long way to making effects have an impact (emphasis on impact), the only really interesting sound effect we have is the kill shot SFX. And even that one could be a little better.

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A Murder of Crows, Glaive Toss/Chakrams, Deterrence, Flayed Shot, old Freezing Trap even was a big ice block. The cool animations are long gone.

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I guess Black Arrow is the new Flayed Shot, I miss Pouch of Razor Fragments way better than Bleeding Gash.

I don’t understand out of 4 covenants our most used covenant abilities were Wild Spirits and Resonating Arrow in PvE and for PvP Flayed Shot even without their legendary they felt great but somehow someway we get Death Chakram? and Death Chakram did nothing it was its legendary that was good for MM one shot PvP builds and they nerfed it from 7 explosive shots to 2

BM and MM get Black Arrow, Survival that used to have it get nothing.

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I love Wod chackrams but i rly dislike deathchackram
Unlucky they are overtuned and the best in slot talent for every specc and you can get poisen injection + death chakram and explosive but not
Explosive shot + steel trap + poisen injection

As BM where you want alpha predator you are harder loggt

Serpent sting baseline would help


What actaully were the “exciting hunter changes” given that the beta has now started, it seems that what we have is essentially set in stone (apart from minor tuning changes)


Remove focus, there I said it

I agree, The fact they have updated Death Chakram’s animation is a sign that it’s here to stay, I don’t have high hopes but some of the datamined talents could be just new PvP talents and they are actually moving Hunting Pack and Mending Bandage to our class tree.

I guess in couple of hours when the new build drops every Hunter is going to be even more mad or really happy that they were wrong about the devs.


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