Hunter especially Beastmastery Feedback

all classes pay the same sub so they should be treated equally, mages can be top dps while their rotation is 3 buttons and 4 cds and they also provide 5% int to the party and no one buts an eye, huntters can have a raid buff that is worth 1% of boss health in total and in a bad profile and be mid at best and blizz is scared to buff them, its ridiculus.

survival had to play the whole s4 with t3 , they never fixed it, we demand reperations.

make hunters mark give 3% crit to the group, make our damage at least competitive, remove basilisk colar and bake its damage into the spec as it kills our aoe AND our ability to target switch AND bm class fantasy is upfront damage not dot stacking and give us an actually usefull aoe stun, they gave us an aoe cc only after they made the mobs recast if they are not interrupted, what a joke, they should give us something that can deal with the damn orb affix like a pulsing stun grenade and just LET MM LUST WITHOUT CALLING A PET we have been over this already, its been years, maybe after all that the class will at least be ok