Hunter Gnome PVE Player UK LFG

Hi guys,

Im a casual player, just started playing again after a long break! Cata was last played. Trying to get back in to things. Am 120 and have been doing mythics so have an ilvl of 417. Still learning about all the different features so looking for a guild willing to answer my questions and just to have a good laugh and play with. Im on most nights im from the UK. 24 and mature.

Am on stormreaver and alliance

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi there!

have a look at our thread, and add me if you wish to know more :smiley:

Hi m8 :slight_smile:

My guild Kill It With Fire on Quel’thalas might be of interest to you. I’ll link our thread here…

You can add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat if interested. Cheers.
